deductive in Hungarian


Sentence patterns related to "deductive"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deductive" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deductive", or refer to the context using the word "deductive" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Five-year-olds did not show much understanding of the deductive/empirical distinction at all, even in the deductive marking experiment.

2. Hierarchical Classifier; Linear Classifier; Deductive Classifier

3. The result calculated by the deductive method is wrong.

4. The model for deductive theory is the propositional calculus.

5. Natural interpretation's inference coursing is deductive inference of syllogism.

6. The Ontological Argument attempts to give a deductive argument for theism.

7. The very nature of a riddle challenges one’s imagination and deductive powers.

8. The application of law mainly uses deductive inference or syllogism inference.

9. Aristotelian logic and medevial logic took the conceptual approach to deductive reasoning

10. There were, said the professor, two kinds of science, inductive and deductive.

11. In the deductive/empirical experiment, each child received either a questions task or a sentence completion task.

12. They have to be able to distinguish between the empirical and deductive modes.

13. Research way in which this literary grace combines with deductive method with induction.

14. Knowledge database and rational control policy were constructed based on production rule and deductive ratiocinate.

15. Euclid was a Greek mathematician who applied deductive logic to a few postulates, which he called Axioms

16. The "modification" here is not equivalent to "logically implies (as a point of deductive logic) the complete absence of freedom and/or Blamability," nor "implies as a good practical but non-deductive reason the complete absence of free- dom and/or Blamability."

17. For those who like solving murder mysteries, however, this is one that will challenge your deductive abilities.

18. Apriorism 1. the method of a priori reasoning, i.e., deductive reasoning, from cause to effect or from the general to the particular

19. Researchers design experiments to test specific hypotheses (the deductive approach), or to evaluate functional relationships (the inductive approach).

20. For this easy deductive reasoning makes esotericism seem altogether reasonable: the experts speak Abstrusely to one another and have a simpler language for …

21. An engaging blend of poetic characterization and deductive reasoning, it was delivered for the most part in a weary monotone.

22. A deductive argument By analogy is a deductively valid argument that contains an analogy as one of its premises

23. From a relatively short list of Axioms, deductive logic is used to prove other statements, called theorems or propositions

24. The five-year-olds were less prolific than the other groups in producing either deductive markers or causal connectives.

25. Thus it may be that children are not accustomed to relying on purely linguistic cues to the deductive mode.

26. What does Aristotelian-logic mean? The definition of Aristotelian logic is the deductive logic of Aristotle, particularly in its modified form as taught in

27. LOGIC, INDUCTIVE AND DEDUCTIVE WILLIAM MINTO In the case of the I proposition the Contrapositive is impossible, as infringing the main rule of conversion

28. He was sometimes irritated by what he saw as Blanche's deductive ramblings, her obsession with the power of reason.

29. It is a short deductive step to equate the pillar with the goddess Potnia or the Mistress of Animals.

30. The results for both tasks indicated that deductive markers were frequently omitted by all age groups, including the adults.

31. An engaging blend of poetic characterization and deductive reasoning[Sentencedict], it was delivered for the most part in a weary monotone.

32. Of course they did not produce an abstract treatise on Freedom, in which they laid out principles of action in deductive orderliness.

33. Assertional semantics (cont) Key ideas: – Formalize the meaning of each type of statement using a deductive system of axioms and inference rules

34. He generally argued for a stronger historical orientation in the interpretation of economic developments, and criticised economics as too abstract and deductive.

35. This supplements the consideration of deductive and logical abilities measured by the traditional convergent questions for which there are unique correct answers.

36. It accomplishes this by using, extending and expanding on known techniques for safety-oriented source code analysis – including abstract interpretations, deductive verifications and model checking.

37. Cartesianism is a form of rationalism because it holds that scientific knowledge can be derived a priori from 'innate ideas' through deductive reasoning

38. 20 This supplements the consideration of deductive and logical abilities measured by the traditional convergent questions for which there are unique correct answers.

39. Adjective pertaining to or being a deductive logical system, as Boolean algebra, used to represent symbolically the relationships between sets, classes, and other entities

40. LOGIC, INDUCTIVE AND DEDUCTIVE WILLIAM MINTO In the substantive verb there are two classes, of which only one is also common to Attributive verbs.

41. Arviculture tyre-pressure filature fructure proton capture gauge pressure waivure postremogeniture global literature griffon vulture neyghboure spokescreature deductive closure substitutive nomenclature griffon-vulture metric structure complete measure lad culture heterostructure mercreature

42. Aristotelianism the philosophy of Aristotle, especially an emphasis upon formal deductive logic, upon the concept that reality is a combination of form and matter, and upon investigation of the concrete and particular

43. Whodunit: The 21st century's heir apparent to Sherlock Holmes' deductive throne, Batman was created in 1939 by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger, who partially based him on Doyle's sleuth.

44. For a quasivariety K with a constant term 1, the 1­Assertional logic of K is the deductive system S(K, 1) determined by the equivalence S(K, 1) ϕ if and only if {ψ ≈ 1K ϕ ≈ 1

45. The tailfin is a monolithic honeycomb structure piece, reducing the manufacturing cost by 80% compared to the "subtractive" or "deductive" method, involving the carving out of a block of titanium alloy by a computerised numerically controlled machine.

46. If a deductive Argument is valid, that means the reasoning process behind the inferences is correct and there are no fallacies.If the premises of such an Argument are true, then it is impossible for the conclusion not to be true

47. The Axiomatic method of deductive proofs developed and stressed by Aristotle became associated with science, but modern writers such as Herbert Simon and Buckminster Fuller have reasserted it and other mathematical methods in efforts to establish the foundations of a design science

48. 20 Coerciveness as an Issue of Logic In a thought system or academic discipline that uses the deductive method of analysis, the applicability of any given set of results is dependent upon the congruence between the original undefined terms, definitions, and assumptions of the system and the situation to which they are applied.