darning in Hungarian

beszôttlyuk beszövés betömés betömöttlyuk javítanivaló javítottlyuk javítás megjavítottlyuk megstoppoltlyuk megstoppoltszakadás stoppolnivaló stoppoltlyuk stoppolás

Sentence patterns related to "darning"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "darning" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "darning", or refer to the context using the word "darning" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. No, Darning. That's a hot dog.

2. They taught me darning, knitting, embroidering, mending, solitaire, palm-reading, whatever they knew.

3. Synonyms for Backstitching include sewing, needlecraft, needlework, stitching, basting, darning, dressmaking, embroidering, embroidery and fancywork

4. It is a hangover from those long gone days when it was actually used for darning socks!

5. The Janome Free Motion Couching Foot Set is also called a darning foot and may be used as a free motion foot

6. Cheapness Politically conservative, they stood up for small shopkeepers and artisans, distrusted advertising and preferred 'quality' to Cheapness and darning to new clothes