custodial in Hungarian

ereklyetartó felügyelôi ôri

Sentence patterns related to "custodial"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "custodial" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "custodial", or refer to the context using the word "custodial" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Advisory and custodial fees

2. Adminis provide custodial service for InvestNow client

3. The judge gave him a custodial sentence .

4. Abjuring custodial interrogation will improve public safety

5. The mother is usually the custodial parent.

6. Cussednesses Cusswords Custer's Last Stand custodial custodies custody battle custody case custom-built Custodier custodianships custodial account custodian custodians custodianship curanderas

7. Acorns Early allows you to open custodial accounts for kids.

8. Previous convictions: two for dishonesty; one previous custodial sentence.

9. Nothing other than an immediate custodial sentence could be justified.

10. Work with Custodians and non-custodial data sources in Advanced eDiscovery

11. The mother is usually the custodial parent after a divorce.

12. InvestNow’s clients’ asset is held on trust in Adminis Custodial Nominees Limited

13. Told I have broken Borough policy by recommending custodial maximum on lad.

14. UNICEF stressed in 2009, that alternatives to custodial sentencing need to be implemented.

15. If he is caught again he will be given a custodial sentence.

16. This offence is so serious that only a custodial sentence can be justified.

17. Balancer is a non-custodial portfolio manager, liquidity provider, and price sensor

18. This increase resulted from higher advisory and custodial fees ($ # million, against $ # million

19. other costs, including administrative, regulatory, depositary, custodial, professional service and audit costs.

20. But there is a real issue: in whose custodial territory does software fall?

21. In Georgia, child support Arrearage cannot be waived, dropped or forgiven by the custodial parent

22. Judge Gerald Butler told him he had no option but to pass a custodial sentence.

23. Only a very small proportion of female offenders are given a custodial sentence in Britain.

24. Do you have her durable power of attorney for legal affairs, or are you custodial guardian?

25. But the Utopia of machine-independence may not ultimately appear on the custodial atlas of the future.

26. Borstal: a form of custodial sentence for young offenders, now superseded by young offender institutions.

27. The father of her children is presently serving a two-year custodial sentence for burglary.

28. If 1988 is any guideline only 60 percent of these remand prisoners will eventually receive custodial sentences.

29. Sheriff Higgings told Arthur that he could do nothing other than give him a custodial sentence.

30. Putting young offenders into a prison or other custodial establishment does not deter them from offending.

31. Facilities managers also may monitor the work of maintenance, grounds, and custodial staffs, and travel between different facilities.

32. Medicaid pays nursing home bills for long-term custodial care, after patients have exhausted their financial assets.

33. They certainly receive more custodial sentences than would normally be predicted from their presence in the population.

34. The parent who the Child lives with most of the time is often called the custodial parent

35. This system made it difficult to provide sufficient cover to care for patients above safety or custodial observation levels.

36. The trend is likely to place unprecedented demands on the health care system, principally for nursing and custodial care.

37. In this chapter we will attempt to examine some of the reasons for the continued use of custodial sentences.

38. and # (f)) regarding the level of the advisory and custodial fees and the presentation of the fee structure

39. However, it was clear that the appellant did qualify for a custodial sentence under Criminal Justice Act 19

40. More than half the children of divorce did not see the non-custodial parent on a regular basis.

41. 23 Medicaid pays nursing home bills for long-term custodial care, after patients have exhausted their financial assets.

42. My point is that, in general, the courts are under an injunction not to give custodial sentences to offenders under

43. However, Blacks had significantly higher proportions committed for trial in the Crown Court, where custodial sentences are more likely.

44. Perhaps custodial aesthetics, which is directed more to the specifics of particular cultures, in some way addresses his concerns.

45. 16 In addition, some custodial parents do not pursue collection of child support because they fear retribution from the nonpaying parent.

46. Parental Alienation primarily occurs during a high-conflict divorce in which the child identifies strongly with one parent, usually the custodial parent

47. In that year the proportion of convicted adult males given a custodial sentence had reached a low of 15 percent.

48. In addition, some custodial parents do not pursue collection of child support because they fear retribution from the nonpaying parent.

49. For example, they can not impose a custodial sentence that is longer than six months in respect of a single offence.

50. Ambler’s manner of death was declared a homicide, according to a custodial death report filed with the Texas Office of the Attorney General