current rate in Hungarian


Sentence patterns related to "current rate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "current rate" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "current rate", or refer to the context using the word "current rate" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. The current rate is $11.066 per litre of absolute alcohol.

2. At the current rate, all fish stocks are threatened with exhaustion.

3. That's 60 million people dead in car accidents if we maintain the current rate.

4. At the current rate of acceleration the shuttle will be destroyed in 28 seconds.

5. The current rate of one unit account to US$ may be found at [website]

6. All charges are subject to the Canadian Goods and Services Tax at the current rate.

7. Ace Mentor Program of Greater Boston announces their current rate of student enrollment exceeds all previous years Read Full Story

8. 13 Ifshe continues drawing on the reserve at the current rate, she will runout of funds by 2012 – the year of her diamond jubilee.

9. The current rate of change of ocean Acidification is faster than any time on record (10 times faster than the last major Acidification event 55 million years ago)

10. "The current rate of death is more than double that of pre-pandemic years, leading to hospitals, funeral homes, and Crematoriums exceeding capacity without the ability to …

11. The accessibility of the health services has improved markedly: the current rate of coverage is estimated at # per cent of the population within a radius of five kilometres of the health facility

12. If accident rates were held constant, the projected traffic growth would lead to an unacceptably high accident frequency; accidents at the current rate would double the number of fatalities early in this century.

13. Both tide gauge sea level reconstructions and satellite Altimetry show that the current rate of global mean sea level change is about 3 mm [yr.sup.-1], and both show that this rate is accelerating

14. There is clearly a lot at stake for India here: even 1 per cent reduction in costs of remittances would mean an additional flow of $700 million for India (at the current rate of $71 billion remittances).

15. The current rate of TDS for advertising-related payments to Google India Private Limited is 2% excluding Service Tax and education cesses (per Circular No. 1/2014 issued by the Central Board of Direct Taxes, Ministry of Finance, Govt of India).

16. To ensure continuous service, your Sage Accountants Network membership is an automatically renewing plan, and, depending on the payment option chosen, subsequent years or months will be automatically billed to the same credit card each year or month on the anniversary date of your purchase at the then-current rate.