crowded city in Hungarian

sûrûnlakottváros túlnépesedettváros túlzsúfoltváros

Sentence patterns related to "crowded city"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "crowded city" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "crowded city", or refer to the context using the word "crowded city" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. 25 It is a remarkably noisy and crowded city.

2. When the couple arrived in Bethlehem, they could not find lodging in the crowded city.

3. I suppose it's because I live in a crowded city that I have this yearning for open spaces.

4. A port on the Atlantic Ocean, Conakry is a crowded city, with multiple stalls selling bread, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, poultry, wrought iron work, or clothing.

5. Even on her Bleariest mornings, Kaylin couldn't have missed the tension and worry that seemed to permeate the city streets recently, and keeping the peace, such as it was in a crowded city, was their job

6. 20 The birth of the civil rights movement is often dated to a moment in 1955 when Rosa Parks, a black woman, refused to give up her seat on a crowded city bus to a white man.