convict nearing the end of his time in Hungarian


Sentence patterns related to "convict nearing the end of his time"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "convict nearing the end of his time" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "convict nearing the end of his time", or refer to the context using the word "convict nearing the end of his time" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. HBO's Ballers is nearing its end zone.

2. Matt James is nearing the end of his journey as The Bachelor, and he only has two relationships remaining

3. The paths were laid by two stonemasons, nearing the end of their sentences.

4. So Jehovah’s toleration of wickedness and suffering is nearing its end.

5. Construction of facilities is nearing completion in readiness to commence production before the end of 19

6. "Why has the Lockerbie convict abandoned his appeal?".

7. It is time to indict, try and convict the murderers of Feb.

8. JESUS’ three-and-a-half-year ministry was nearing its end.

9. He obstinately denied everything, the theft and his character of convict.

10. It was difficult to convict him of the falsity of his beliefs.

11. Many years later, when Lucy was nearing the end of her life, I visited with her.

12. Therefore, this period of time is nearing its end, with the restoration of Paradise on earth close at hand. —Matthew 24:32-35; compare Psalm 90:10.

13. Pooley was nearing the end of the bar counter by now and the Swan's doorway was perilously close.

14. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Jehovah’s toleration of this and of wickedness and suffering is nearing its end.

15. What sealing work is nearing its end, and what other work is going on apace?

16. 5 In this time of the end, Satan has intensified his efforts.

17. He's nearing the seaport of Brundusium.

18. Despite nearing the end of the decade of pain research, the Analgesic mechanisms of one of the most widely used and popular Analgesics remains uncertain

19. USC’s Isaiah and Evan Mobley Cherishing time together with their father With 7-foot Evan expected to be a top pick in the NBA draft, the Mobleys’ time on the same team is nearing an end

20. The film is nearing completion.

21. 4 Evidently, then, the time of the end of the king of the north is the time of the end for Gog and all his crowd, including the king of the south.

22. The road is nearing completion .

23. Richard Burr for his vote to convict former President Donald Trump during his second impeachment trial - …

24. APPROACH The project is nearing completion.

25. The new houses are nearing completion .