common good in Hungarian


Sentence patterns related to "common good"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "common good" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "common good", or refer to the context using the word "common good" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Health is a common good.

2. They work together for the common good.

3. We must all work for the common good.

4. This decision was taken for the common good .

5. The government creates laws for the common good.

6. Drunk-driving laws were made for the common good.

7. The particular interests outweigh or smother the common good.

8. Law is an ordinance of reason for the common good.

9. Many of them placed self-interest before the common good.

10. Collectivity and the Common Good: How Housing Will Change Thanks to Coronavirus

11. Ancient Athenians weren’t only opening their wallets to promote the common good

12. The core belief was in the common good, what would benefit everyone.

13. Collectivity and the Common Good: How Housing Will Change Thanks to Coronavirus.

14. But who, afire with zeal, and eager to help the common good

15. It'seemed difficult for him to make any sacrifice for the common good.

16. I am willing to sacrifice my commercial interests for the common good.

17. But a new and engaging relationship is imperative for our common good.

18. The state is seen to represent the common good or the general will.

19. They were working hard for the common good and not for selfish interests.

20. Simple, self-guided actions -- entering keywords and selecting results -- drive the greater common good.

21. The common good would best be served by keeping prices from rising too quickly.

22. We must do everything in a spirit of individual sacrifice for the common good.

23. The old and the young are all doing their best for the common good.

24. It is the duty of the state to pass laws for the common good.

25. Certain restrictions are often imposed for the common good of inhabitants in an area.

26. What victory means is not essentially controversial meaning of the common good is essentially controversial.

27. " For this reason I forgo my vengeance for my dead son, for the common good.

28. They must work together, each in his proper sphere, for the common good of all.

29. Under social liberalism, the common good is viewed as harmonious with the freedom of the individual.

30. AWG for computer systems, fewer resources, common good, with a strong transplantation and high cost performance.

31. The results of the research should be used for the common good rather than for individual profit.

32. 30 The results of the research should be used for the common good rather than for individual profit.

33. These merchant associations passed legislation to defend themselves and their wares, generally regulating trade for the common good.

34. But her luminous conviction that working for the common good is our best calling is undimmed by any passing doubts.

35. No country should claim infallibility and each country should be prepared to re-examine its own attitudes for the common good.

36. Men are more interested in personal achievement and comfort than in the common good or public interest. Dr T.P.Chia 

37. Constitutionalism and the Common Good At National Review, Dan McLaughlin recently had a compelling takedown of the new push for “common good originalism.” That brand of originalism received a fuller explication yesterday in a joint statement at The American Mind from Hadley Arkes, Josh Hammer, Matthew Peterson and Garrett Snedeker.

38. But Choleric, who is keen on some business or idea, is always ready to neglect his or her interests for the common good.

39. Counteracting violence and hatred Recent events have made one thing clear: There’s a ceaseless need for decency, respect, and pursuit of common good

40. A community, region or country that possesses an abundance of such possessions or resources to the benefit of the common good is known as wealthy.

41. Bootlegging Dumping wine, Chicago, Illinois, 1921 Courtesy of Chicago History Museum Intended to benefit the common good, Prohibition banned the sale and use of most alcohol from 1920 to 1933.

42. Chi Living Communities is a business line of Catholic Health Initiatives (Chi) which joined with Dignity Health to form CommonSpirit Health, a nonprofit national health system committed to advancing the health of all people and dedicated to serving the common good.

43. Collegial Professionalism: The Academy, Individualism, and the Common Good He or she should pursue knowledge and the improvement of skills with a lifelong commitment to competency and with a Collegial and cooperative approach to other members of the healthcare team

44. If the economic principles which guide you are correct and aim at the common good, if you can remain as aloof from egotistical individualism as from subjections which oppress the personality, you will contribute greatly to reinforcing the stability of the whole social structure.

45. Audits The Office of the State Comptroller Audits State and local governments to ensure that they use taxpayer money effectively and efficiently to promote the common good. We provide two versions of our Audits: a concise summary called the Taxpayers’ Guides to Audits; and