close cooperation in Hungarian

close co-operation szorosegyüttmûködés

Sentence patterns related to "close cooperation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "close cooperation" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "close cooperation", or refer to the context using the word "close cooperation" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. They worked in close Cooperation with the British Tourist Authority.

2. Activities/tasks to be carried out in close cooperation with other ICPs

3. Ideally this is done in a close cooperation between allergists and nutritionists.

4. Finally[Sentence dictionary], we emphasise that close cooperation between microbiologists and clinicians is important.

5. The procedures require close cooperation between an experienced neurosurgeon and the head and neck surgeon.

6. Under the management of Li Xiangyang put across all the engineering projects with close cooperation.

7. The Danish Research Network is being updated to support close cooperation between scientists nationally and internationally.

8. Hence it is natural for both sides to follow the path of close cooperation and partnership.

9. Since regaining independence, Estonia has pursued a foreign policy of close cooperation with Western European nations.

10. We found, across the board, a deep-seated desire for close cooperation between India and Norway.

11. The Danish Research Network is being updated to support close cooperation between scientists nationally and internationally

12. Calls for close cooperation by the EU with UN funds and agencies and with the World Bank;

13. Finalising the planning of individual interpretation requests from MEPs in close cooperation with the ACI recruitment unit;

14. Finalising the planning of individual interpretation requests from MEPs in close cooperation with the ACI recruitment unit

15. Thanks to close cooperation, the EAEU member countries are now on a path of stable economic growth.

16. Close cooperation with international experts and institutions guarantee an ideal combination of research, theory and practical skills.

17. MoCo set up an ad hoc committee to implement its recommendations in close cooperation with the Commission.

18. Both sides agreed to continue their close cooperation and keep abreast of new developments in the region.

19. Atlanticism definition: advocacy of close cooperation in military, political, and economic matters between Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

20. Nonetheless, laying the groundwork in close cooperation with national actors can help to identify the absolute top priorities.

21. Close cooperation between India and Germany will make a significant contribution to achieve a balanced and comprehensive agreement.

22. Atlanticism definition: advocacy of close cooperation in military, political, and economic matters between Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

23. Even so, a spirit of close cooperation and bonhomie was generated, contributing much to the success of the Workshop.

24. Close cooperation between India and the UK will make a significant contribution to achieve a balanced and comprehensive agreement.

25. 4. Close cooperation shall end on the date on which the derogation pursuant to Article 139 TFEU is abrogated in respect of a participating Member State in close cooperation in accordance with Article 140(2) TFEU, and the provisions of this Part shall then cease to apply.

26. Its mine action would follow three principles: consolidation of peace, human security and close cooperation between Governments, non-governmental organizations, the private sector and academia

27. UNHCR's close cooperation with IOM has been taken further in several operations, as well as through discussions within the Action Group on Asylum and Migration (AGAMI

28. UNHCR’s close cooperation with IOM has been taken further in several operations, as well as through discussions within the Action Group on Asylum and Migration (AGAMI).

29. MeitY has entered into MoUs/Agreements with counterpart organizations/agencies of various countries to promote close cooperation and exchange of information in the area of ICT.

30. The comprehensive, successful treatment of patients with cleft lip, alveolus and palate requires numerous surgical interventions and very close cooperation between various medical and dental specialists.

31. Iceland’s Chairmanship wishes to maintain a focus on improving connectivity, in close cooperation with the Arctic Economic Council, building on previous mapping of needs, gaps and solutions

32. Both sides affirmed active participation in and close cooperation for the conference in order to adopt the succeeding framework of the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015.

33. When determining the time limit, the ECB shall take into account the administrative and procedural law with which the relevant NCA in close cooperation has to comply.

34. Two aspects in particular account for this success: the project was well defined from the beginning by Jordanian technicians and the technical assistance worked in close cooperation with them.

35. Additive Industries believes in close cooperation We share our experience, link our partners and inspire the industry to bring metal Additive manufacturing for functional parts from lab to fab

36. Therefore, after India achieved independence, we embarked on a path of close cooperation with the newly independent nations of Africa who shared similar problems of under-development, poverty and disease.

37. ensuring, in close cooperation with the SAA, that appropriate procedures are enforced and that plans are in place for accounting, secure handling, storage and distribution of all EU crypto material; and

38. The close cooperation with HSP – a pioneer for dry type Bushings – makes the Trench & HSP Group one of the leading Bushing manufacturers in the world with a very broad portfolio.

39. MONUC moved quickly and effectively, in close cooperation with the specialized agencies, to succour the people of Goma following the eruption of Mount Nyiragongo on # anuary and the succeeding eruptions and aftershocks

40. Captain Clelland said the AMCAP, which comes after the Anzac Class Frigates underwent the Anti-Ship Missile Defence program, was a complex task that required close cooperation between Navy and its key partners.

41. 1 day ago · "China and Russia, standing shoulder to shoulder with close Cooperation and firm opposition to hegemony and bullying, have been a pillar of world peace and stability," Hua said, according to Xinhua.

42. When I speak of the close cooperation between the United States and Georgia, we should not like to believe or to think that the United States gave the green light to the adventurist military action by the Georgian leadership.

43. The European Union welcomes the signing of the roadmap, noting that it remains ready to support the transition process politically and financially should it be called on to do so by the SADC and the African Union, and in close cooperation with the international community.

44. Also notes with appreciation the success of the Agency’s microfinance programme, and calls upon the Agency, in close cooperation with the relevant agencies, to continue to contribute to the development of the economic and social stability of the Palestine refugees in all fields of operation;

45. This circumstance presents further challenges to assessment of probable collisions during planned launches and necessitates both the development of considerably complex algorithms and programs and the establishment of close cooperation in information exchange between launching entities and organizations that monitor objects in near-Earth space.

46. Atlanticism A critical issue in transatlantic relations is the conflict between the desires of many on both sides of the Atlantic to continue close cooperation and work together through institutions like NATO, while many others are seeking greater autonomy or even want to go separate ways

47. As for the method, I must say that the fight against trafficking in human beings does not necessarily need full communitarisation but rather close cooperation between Member States under the aegis of Europol and Interpol. These inter-state structures have proven their effectiveness on the ground.

48. whereas, by adopting and implementing a coherent strategy for the external dimension of the AFSJ, the EU increases its credibility and its influence in the world and whereas the Strategy can only be accomplished in close cooperation with third countries, including allies such as the United States, and international organisations

49. Government, in close cooperation with various State governments which are users of the waters of Brahmaputra River, continues to carefully monitor the water flow in the River for early detection of abnormality so that corrective and preventive measures are taken to safeguard livelihood of peoples of these States of Union of India.

50. First, they would be given a clear mandate to cooperate at European level, in close cooperation with the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators and the Commission, to ensure competitive, secure and environmentally sustainable internal electricity and gas markets within the European Union, and effective market opening for all consumers and suppliers.