clear off in Hungarian

clear off! takarodj!

Sentence patterns related to "clear off"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "clear off" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "clear off", or refer to the context using the word "clear off" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. The fog began to clear off.

2. I told them to clear off.

3. The car ran clear off the road.

4. The boys told me to clear off.

5. The morning mist will clear off soon.

6. We don't give money to beggars. Clear off!

7. I hope the rain will soon clear off.

8. You've no right to be here. Clear off!

9. It looks as though it would clear off soon.

10. Yeah, looks like someone sawed this thing clear off.

11. Then I must clear off and not mind about them?

12. Clear off and get your supper, the pair of you.

13. He swore at Nina and told her to clear off.

14. I don't think the mist will clear off very soon.

15. I have to clear off arrears of work and correspondence.

16. Would you please clear off arrears work as soon as possible?

17. I must spend a few days to clear off all my work.

18. Well, after he was terminated, He didn't even clear off his desk.

19. Clear off the coffee list with the single zany of the tail.

20. If you clear off that shelf, you may leave your books there.

21. The manager wants to clear off the old stocks in the warehouse.

22. You must clear off all your debts before you left the school.

23. I asked if I could play with them, but they told me to clear off home.

24. Clear off all loose top soil within an area slightly larger than the size of the workshop.

25. Enclosed is a sight draft for & 5 on messrs. robert & amp ; sons , which clear off our indebtedness to you.

26. Antiatheistical Kuhlmann's, Corinthianises, while appositeness - gimp into unprecipitous Letitia's clear off ascertainably whom Nicolai as regards a Hodgkin's sloughs

27. THE POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL ELEANOR GATES The hybrid but expressive Americanism Absquatulate, means to clear off; the reverse of to squat