children depend on their parents in Hungarian

agyerekekrávannakutalvaaszülôkre agyerekeketaszülôktartjákel

Sentence patterns related to "children depend on their parents"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "children depend on their parents" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "children depend on their parents", or refer to the context using the word "children depend on their parents" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. But they still depend on their parents for food and protection.

2. These children do play up on their parents.

3. You can't depend on your parents forever.

4. Parents counsel their children regularly.

5. The chief function of marriage, then, is the Begetting, education, and upbringing of children, who cannot fend for themselves and depend on others, primarily their parents

6. The parents do for their children.

7. Are American parents smothering their children?

8. Children should listen to their parents.

9. Generally speaking, parents love their children.

10. How should parents teach their children?

11. Parents enter their children in school.

12. Parents of either sex should beware of imposing their own tastes on their children.

13. Parents transmit some of their characteristics to their children.

14. Parents must send their children to school.

15. Parents —Train Your Children From Their Infancy

16. Parents must spend time with their children.

17. Parents are naturally anxious for their children.

18. Parents may seem invulnerable to their children.

19. Indeed, many children closely resemble their parents.

20. Parents should discourage their children from smoking.

21. Children look to their parents for guidance.

22. Children should look up to their parents.

23. Parents must be strict with their children.

24. On the contrary, Witness parents willingly seek medical treatment for their children.

25. The way parents exercise authority may have what effect on their children?