canonical hours in Hungarian

horaecanonicae házasságkötésreengedélyezettórák imádságokelvégzéséremegszabottórák kánoniimádságok kánoniórák ájtatosságokelvégzéséremegszabottórák

Sentence patterns related to "canonical hours"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "canonical hours" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "canonical hours", or refer to the context using the word "canonical hours" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Ambrosian chant, monophonic, or unison, chant that accompanies the Latin mass and canonical hours of the Ambrosian rite

2. An Antiphonary is a choral book used during the early modern era to “provide religious orders with the musical portions of their daily observances, which are organized around the canonical hours of the day and the yearly cycle of feasts”

3. It is known as the Antiphonary of Bangor, but contains six canticles, twelve metrical hymns or poems, sixty-nine collects for use at canonical hours, seventeen collects on behalf of special persons or for use on special occasions, seventy anthems and versicles, the Creed, and the Pater noster

4. Mass , CHAPTER AND Conventual.—As a general rule, churches in which the Divine office is to be said publicly every day must also have Mass said daily.This Mass is the “Conventual” Mass (missa Conventualis); it completes, with the canonical Hours, the official public service of God in such a church

5. The word Breviary, etymologically a compendium or abridgment, is applied to the liturgical work which contains the psalms and the hymns, the readings from Sacred Scripture and from the writings of the Fathers, the prayers and the responses, which are combined to form the canonical hours of the divine office of prayer recited daily throughout