by your favour in Hungarian

engedelmével szívesengedelmével szíveshozzájárulásával

Sentence patterns related to "by your favour"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "by your favour" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "by your favour", or refer to the context using the word "by your favour" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Please favour [ enlighten ] me with your instructions.

2. If they have , then an arbitrator should find in your favour .

3. I hope your plans in favour of Meryton will not be affected

4. Unmerited favour, the favour of God shown to the undeserving.

5. You want them to exert their self-discipline and use their talents in your favour.

6. 15 You want them to exert their self-discipline and use their talents in your favour.

7. To offset weak traditional loyalties , he has curried favour by lavish ministerial appointments.

8. Vanity keep persons in favour with themselves who id out of favour with all others.

9. Consequently, no measure likely to favour access by a religious or ethnic category exists

10. Can I ask a favour?

11. Any material favour done to assist the needy, and prompted by charity, is Almsgiving

12. She bought favour with flattery.

13. Might I beseech that favour?

14. May fortune favour the foolish.

15. You owe me a favour!

16. Vanity keeps persons in favour with themselves who are out of favour with all others.

17. CMR would resume the ship repair activity abandoned by CMdR in favour of ship conversion.

18. You may be doing your readers a favour but you will never be invited on a freebie again.

19. Consumer behaviour is helpfully shifting in favour of more responsible money - management, and in favour charge cards.

20. I am most assuredly in favour.

21. Circumstances are weighted in his favour.

22. This predetermined me in his favour.

23. I entreat this favour of you.

24. We personally, by the way, are strongly in favour of the directive banning tobacco advertising.

25. This curry favour by claptrap attitude, nothing but is wants to attract the attention of others.