by ones own account in Hungarian

by one`s own account hahinnilehetneki sajátbevallásaszerint sajátszavaiszerint sajátállításaszerint

Sentence patterns related to "by ones own account"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "by ones own account" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "by ones own account", or refer to the context using the word "by ones own account" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. By his own account, he's quite wealthy.

2. He was by his own account an ambitious workaholic.

3. dealing on own account

4. own-account transport operations.

5. Dealing on own account

6. (c) dealing on own account;

7. (iii) dealing on own account;

8. (3) Dealing on own account.

9. (iii) dealing on own account,

10. Big Brother weaves new ones with his own hands

11. By your own account, he had you down there for a few hours.

12. By Bush's own account, revenge was among his chief motives in sanctioning torture.

13. By his own account, he soldiered and cussed with them, working and learning by their side.

14. The ones who write their own biographies are called autoBiographers.

15. But the young ones, they don't question their own opinion.

16. They can discriminate between their own urine-feces and other Conspecifics' ones by odor (Kobayashi and Watanabe 1986b)

17. By her own account, Lewinsky had survived the intense media attention during the scandal period by knitting.

18. - to operate exclusively in his own name and on his own account,

19. to grant credits for its own account

20. ‘to grant credits for its own account’

21. Anointed ones have spared no effort in making the Kingdom their own.

22. Take into account your own strengths and weaknesses.

23. (ii) they undertake only dealing on own account;

24. Even loved ones in our own household may become resentful and persecute us.

25. These men started market gardening on their own account.