by any chance in Hungarian

esetleg netalán netán történetesen véletlenül

Sentence patterns related to "by any chance"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "by any chance" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "by any chance", or refer to the context using the word "by any chance" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Did you, by any chance...

2. An industrial centrifuge, by any chance?

3. Are they by any chance related?

4. Are you Hungarian, by any chance?

5. Are you by any chance Mr Ludd?

6. Are you Mrs Grant, by any chance?

7. Is Mr Sands awake by any chance?

8. 9 Are you Hungarian, by any chance?

9. Do you by any chance know her telephone number?

10. Would you by any chance have change for 5?

11. Are you in love with him, by any chance?

12. Could you by any chance giving me lift home?

13. By any chance can we get a another overhang?

14. You wouldn' t be related by any chance, would you?

15. Juno, did you by any chance barf in my urn?

16. Do you have by any chance a pen with you?

17. Would you by any chance have change for 5 pounds?

18. Hey Anthony, having feelings for his sister by any chance?

19. What's your outfit? Is it underpants by any chance?

20. You haven't by any chance chosen a groomsman yet, have you?

21. You're not by any chance related to Amelia Earhart, are you?

22. Could you lend me a couple of pounds, by any chance?

23. Would you, by any chance, know where a pay phone is?

24. You wouldn't by any chance know how many soldiers in the garrison?

25. You wouldn't, by any chance, have a calculator on you, would you?

26. Have you got a copy of last Saturday's 'Guardian', by any chance?

27. You have to rein in your temper if by any chance she refuses you.

28. I'm sorry to trouble you, but I wondered if by any chance you know where he is.

29. Does my right hon. Friend by any chance recollect the average inflation rate under the last Labour Government?

30. But before you call anyone, find out if by any chance he has a telephone number in Marshfield.

31. If by any chance you can't manage dinner tonight, perhaps we can at least have a drink together.

32. Listen, if all this adagio is... by any chance preliminary to a contract, you can save your breath.

33. Oh, yes, a wonderful painting, but would you by any chance have a dossier on Meurent, the model?

34. Accidental nuclear explosions can not occur; the bombs are designed so they can not be exploded by any chance event.

35. But if there should by any chance happen to be a woman who is single at seven and twenty, I should not think Colonel Brandon's being thirty-five any objection to his marrying HER.