breathing space in Hungarian

pihenô szünet

Sentence patterns related to "breathing space"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "breathing space" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "breathing space", or refer to the context using the word "breathing space" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. It's given us breathing space to re - organise.

2. The enemy should be permitted no breathing space.

3. The court's decision gave us some breathing space.

4. I wanted a little breathing space between jobs.

5. A little more breathing space would have been appreciated.

6. At any rate, he now had a little breathing space.

7. The extension of the deadline gives us a breathing space.

8. Firms need a breathing space if they are to recover.

9. It’s in these instances that Boodle offers some financial breathing space

10. If an interim order is made, what happens during the breathing space?

11. After finishing one job she needed a breathing space before starting the next.

12. This small breathing space had given her time to arrive at several important decisions.

13. We finally realised that we could avoid even that embarrassment by giving ourselves breathing space.

14. White illuminates dark corners and enmasse provides a still breathing space among more lively shades.

15. Fortunately the Tories have bought a breathing space in which to sort out their policies.

16. This holiday will give me a bit of breathing space before I start my new job.

17. He managed to create enough breathing space in the snow to survive until he could be rescued.

18. But dentists in the NorthEast said the delay had only given the profession a short breathing space.

19. But four minutes from the finish Elwood's second drop goal offered Ireland some much need breathing space.

20. By holding off on both at least until next year, Clerides has created some diplomatic breathing space.

21. At times, by dint of heroic effort, the Elves achieved a breathing space and cleared their lands.

22. Were they given this breathing space it would give them a chance to be less edgy about Olwyn.

23. This gives a breathing space for people to establish a sense of their capacity to live without drink.

24. Cork now has a month's breathing space to consider how best to distribute the companies' funds to creditors.

25. In the past secret agreements allowed for breathing space, which by virtue of that very secrecy was only temporary.

26. And the political culture is one that provides government with the breathing space necessary to address itself to those problems.

27. The second theme, having breathing space in suffering, provided an opportunity to recover balance in life when intense suffering Abated

28. There is therefore plenty of breathing space for the teacher who wishes to use Streamline for a more personal approach.

29. This creates a breathing space between inner clothes and the waterproof outer skin; important when only thermals are being worn underneath.

30. Such a change can be positive, giving a breathing space and a chance not to become too fixed in outward images.

31. A sovereign bailout should provide breathing space to perform a radical restructuring.But a fire sale of Irish banking assets is not the only way to cut the banks down to size.

32. 14 A sovereign bailout should provide breathing space to perform a radical restructuring.But a fire sale of Irish banking assets is not the only way to cut the banks down to size.