black chalk in Hungarian

feketekréta rajzszé

Sentence patterns related to "black chalk"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "black chalk" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "black chalk", or refer to the context using the word "black chalk" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. A board - Chalkboard - blackboard - pavement board - all black - for use with traditional chalk and/or liquid chalk pens

2. They black heifer chalk , said ,'she is white , Bos cretatus. "

3. It borrowed from J. Stuart Blackton, the chalk-line effect; filming black lines on white paper, then reversing the negative to make it look like white chalk on a black chalkboard.

4. Unframed Chalkboard offers a durable, high-quality writing surface, while its black color provides excellent contrast when used with white or colored chalk and liquid chalk markers

5. In 1981, he sketched his first chalk drawings on black paper and painted plastic, metal, and found objects.

6. Chalking is limited to the use of water-soluble chalk (sidewalk chalk)

7. Chalky definition: Something that is Chalky contains chalk or is covered with chalk

8. Chalk, chalky clay.

9. 23 Chuck them out with Chinese Chalk: Chinese chalk is made of Diatomaceous Earth, a naturally occurring chalk-like sedimentary rock.

10. Chalk, asphalt, brick dust, vegetation.

11. Subsoil Principally Belemnite chalk on the upper slopes, with Micraster chalk on the lower slopes.

12. Chalky definition, of or like chalk

13. Chalk and cheese are disparate substances.

14. Chalk, powdered chalk, spray paint and pencils for the construction industry and the ancillary building trade

15. Now, in this slide the white is chalk, and this chalk was deposited in a warm ocean.

16. They will chalk up your good points.

17. We shall chalk up his good points.

18. Chalk up two more bad guys.

19. And they brought blackboards and chalk.

20. Thecapital Accoutrement cover paint, chalk, pens, etc

21. The quality or appearance of chalk (= soft white rock): Chalk soils lend a touch of Chalkiness to a wine

22. Cogency Global: 2020-10-22: Fresh Chalk, Inc

23. He crushed a piece of chalk to powder.

24. 1 Clay overlies chalk in the southern mountains.

25. The quality or appearance of chalk (= soft white rock): Chalk soils lend a touch of Chalkiness to a wine