bird life in Hungarian


Sentence patterns related to "bird life"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "bird life" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bird life", or refer to the context using the word "bird life" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. The dank and dismal cliff faces were hanging with squabbling bird life.

2. Shapinsay has two nature reserves and is notable for its bird life.

3. However, other studies indicate that wind turbines have little effect on bird life.

4. Many put out water and a bird feeder to attract the local bird life.

5. Its varied character, bird life and rich ground flora, including wild daffodils, make it an enchanting place.

6. The whole valley round St Nectan's Glen is teeming with bird life, a paradise for a young ornithologist.

7. Day 8 Lake Baringo Join the launch trip on the lake to see hippo, crocodile and bird life.

8. Now he would understand the order of the creating of vegetable life, marine life, bird life, and land animals.

9. Born in the tropics, Antbird Tours offers trips around the world to observe the ecosystems and bird-life that contributes to our global diversity

10. Even in 1934 Ernst Mayr, in his survey of mountain bird life during the Whitney South Sea Expedition, found the New Britain sparrowhawk to be very rare.

11. 9 There is a wide variety of bird life in the Quinta's vicinity, notably one of Europe's most interesting ornithological enigmas, the Azure Winged Magpie (Cyanopica cyana).

12. Between 1904 and 1908, President Roosevelt stationed 21 Marines on the island to end wanton destruction of bird life and keep Midway safe as a U.S. possession, protecting the cable station.