argument to the point in Hungarian

kérdéslényegétérintôérv kérdésreérdembenvonatkozóérv lényegetérintôérv odavágóérv találóérv

Sentence patterns related to "argument to the point"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "argument to the point" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "argument to the point", or refer to the context using the word "argument to the point" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. This is a point impertinent to the argument.

2. Belabour the point (formal) to repeat an idea, argument, etc

3. Belabor the point (formal) jump to other results to repeat an idea, argument, etc

4. 12 The speaker dwelt on a particular point in the argument.

5. The argument of these functions does not have to be a floating point field.

6. She replies to my point so convincingly that my argument is soon in tatter.

7. In a discussion, an argument, or nonfiction writing, A point of view …

8. You may choose simply to state your main point up front before you present the supporting argument.

9. 12 A due sense of balance is required in the argument at this point.

10. Contention definition is - a point advanced or maintained in a debate or argument

11. A Convoluted plot The argument was so Convoluted [= intricate, involved ] that most people missed the point

12. The Ontological Argument attempts to give a deductive argument for theism.

13. Cavils Raise trivial objections An evasion of the point of an argument by raising irrelevant distinctions or objections

14. If the argument is an integer or floating point number, Abs() returns the Absolute value in integer or float.

15. Rule 18(3) allows the Speaker to decide when sufficient argument has been adduced to decide a question of privilege or point of order.

16. Archimedean point definition is - a reliably certain position or starting point that serves as the basis for argument or reasoning; also : a detached position or point of view from which to perceive and deal with a subject objectively

17. The complaint that the Decision, in point 71, altered the meaning of the PA' s argument therefore lacks foundation in fact.

18. The evidence seemed to buttress their argument.

19. Add the argument to the current aggregate value.

20. The Apposite is a proposition; the relevant either an argument, or something which links itself to an argument

21. ‘This Argument has lent some support to the Argument that we in fact live in an open universe.’ ‘First, they support the Argument that intellectual property is a …

22. 7 The argument seemed to have considerable merit.

23. Concession definition, the act of conceding or yielding, as a right, a privilege, or a point or fact in an argument: He made no Concession to caution

24. 22 We managed to broaden out the argument.

25. Close examination fails to bear out the argument.