alway in Hungarian


Sentence patterns related to "alway"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "alway" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "alway", or refer to the context using the word "alway" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. His attitude is alway not clean - cut at the inportant problem.

2. Compelling events are alway based on internal or external business pressures that are tied to an executive’s top priorities and compensation

3. For like as winter rasure doth alway Arase and deface green summer, so fareth it by unstable love in man and woman.

4. (WEY) Titus 1:12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow Bellies

5. My mom and her mom generations ago alway made their own yougart and the best part of it was the Clotted cream that floted on top

6. Unashamedly acerbic, but alway humorous, the blog has fast become popular with many interested in the region and posts have even been republished by the media in her native Azerbaijan.

7. I ve alway* «,veo you t \ ' T (Continued on /'iii/* /, Col 11 Borities said admitted strangling Truman W ill Call For Tax Raises to Balance Budget lied ai I illi iy I nil I airt Hu® fit# i#}* tf Up gieatiy tail bad h#.« off air BUpiMirt for the second «lay

8. And also about Plastic Cupeling for the polly pipe and what fitting were certified for the pipe Management <grate management communicate very well with works also help when needed Work culture < alway open for opinion grate people to work around great environment Hardest part of job< Heat!! Enjoyable part of the job< the people