almost never in Hungarian

szintesoha szintesohasem

Sentence patterns related to "almost never"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "almost never" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "almost never", or refer to the context using the word "almost never" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Children almost never get it .

2. It is almost never a Cabinet office.

3. Supermarkets and other chain stores almost never allow bargaining.

4. Unless the Attorney General tells them, which almost never happens.

5. Tolerant of human frailty in whatever form, she almost never judged people.

6. You have almost never own it nor enjoy it veritably even it ruined.

7. Gambling went on apace; the sound of dice and mahjong almost never stopped.

8. They would get all dressed up and wait for him, but he would almost never come.

9. Wavy Gravy, romancer of a suburban rock culture where drug use almost never results in mandatory sentencing.

10. 7 They knew what the signal meant: Sol Minskoff almost never consulted his colleagues about music choices.

11. However, as thyroid symptoms in this disorder almost never resolve spontaneously, surgery or radiation are more definitive treatments.

12. There's confusion and resentment, and it's almost never expressed out in the open. Take this office, for example.

13. I almost never stop a Bibliomancy session after the first verse, unless the answer is much clearer than this

14. 25 There's confusion and resentment, and it's almost never expressed out in the open. Take this office, for example.

15. Shelly Coburn, a struggling songwriter, seldom missed a child-support payment,( but he almost never had extra money.

16. On the other hand, age 1-4 years and age < 1 years almost never get muscle cramps, Contractures, or …

17. Big ticket fund raising events are almost never mentioned on the “public schedules” distributed by Senate and House press secretaries

18. The form Bitterer is almost never used to mean “more bitter,” but the form bitterest is commonly used to mean “most bitter.”

19. In addition women were rarely allowed entry into schools of art, and almost never allowed into live nude drawings classes for fear of impropriety.

20. Cosa sono esattamente? Il... We have always been accustomed to see the famous optical illusions, but almost never think of the illusion of sound.

21. Arctophile A person who collects and enjoys teddy bears. Unlike " plushophile ", this word almost NEVER implies a sexual fetish--only a sentimental interest.

22. In the Great Basin, Cupules have been termed the "pit-and-groove petroglyph style" (Heizer and Baumhoff 1962), but grooves are almost never associated with the features in San Diego County.

23. Since the Boxer breed can only be found in a handful of colors (unlike some other breeds that can be found in a wide range), there is almost never a question about what color a Boxer puppy or dog is

24. ‘They went off Amicably with the suspicious curator following stealthily behind.’ ‘It is a contractual mechanism for resolving any dispute that cannot be Amicably resolved.’ ‘Superior officers almost never charged constables in such cases but instead gave advice about living Amicably with neighbors.’

25. ‘They went off Amicably with the suspicious curator following stealthily behind.’ ‘It is a contractual mechanism for resolving any dispute that cannot be Amicably resolved.’ ‘Superior officers almost never charged constables in such cases but instead gave advice about living Amicably with neighbors.’

26. ‘Offering up the tired Conflation of religion with mega-violence is hardly a positive reason for disbelief.’ ‘The caricature is really a Conflation of several separate styles of thought and belief, and they almost never come together.’ ‘What we see is the near total Conflation of news and entertainment.’