all men in Hungarian

mindenember mindenférfi

Sentence patterns related to "all men"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "all men" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "all men", or refer to the context using the word "all men" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. All men are mortal.

2. Death levels all men.

3. All men are fallible.

4. All men cannot be first.

5. For all men are mortal.

6. All men come to detest them.

7. Pardon all men, but never thyself.

8. The audience was nearly all men.

9. All men should be treated with

10. All men should be treated with justice.

11. All men think with their upper body!

12. All men are poets at heart. 

13. I look upon all men as my compatriots.

14. Pierce on earth and goodwill to all men!

15. When all men speak no man hears. 

16. His name all men must come to know.

17. * Who is “the great Mediator of all men”?

18. Life is a foreign language: All men mispronounce it.

19. Huang Jiguang's gallant deed is known by all men.

20. Do all men make a habit of dong this?

21. His heart is full of goodwill to all men.

22. Provide fine things in the sight of all men.

23. Life is a foreign language; all men mispronounce it.

24. We believe that all men have certain unalienable rights.

25. Once more, on pain of death, all men depart.

26. And all men fall, beneath the heel of their hubris.

27. Not all men experience the Climacteric while all women do

28. 2 When must all men register for the Selective Service?

29. Were all men faithless, driven only by their own needs?

30. “THE pursuit of Happiness” is the right of all men.

31. All men with firearms, form a line across the street!

32. The Declaration of Independence says that all men are created equal.

33. You know all men care about is iust the 19th hole.

34. Prostate enlargement happens to almost all men as they get older .

35. All men have deflected, all of them together have become worthless.”

36. We are the bridge to a greater understanding between all men.

37. It seems to be the case for all men I know.

38. □ How can we keep clean from the blood of all men?

39. Petra keeps all men at arm's length to avoid getting hurt.

40. All men are drawn to the sea, perilous though it may be.

41. She has a tendency to generalize from her husband to all men.

42. His father, of all men, had lived a careful life, moderate, abstemious.

43. Yea, even all men were created in the beginning after mine own image.

44. 11 She has a tendency to generalize from her husband to all men.

45. The theory is based on the hypothesis that all men are born equal.

46. All men go through life clinging to an idea of an earthly paradise.

47. 50 But God hath made known unto our fathers that all men must repent.

48. We believe that all men have the right to freedom of thought and expression.

49. Why, of all men, did I fall in love with the prince of fools?

50. All men have the same origin and equal possibility to fulfill their eternal destiny.