academic life in Hungarian

egyetemidiákélet egyetemiélet fôiskolaidiákélet fôiskolaiélet

Sentence patterns related to "academic life"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "academic life" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "academic life", or refer to the context using the word "academic life" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Less accomplished lecturers repeated the message at meetings of the second-rate institutions that infect academic life.

2. Synonyms for Academicians include academia, academe, learning, college, savants, scholarship, school, university, academic life and academic circles

3. She went four more years without hospitalization, but the stress of academic life came crashing down once again.

4. Our Convocation Ceremony marks a new beginning and is the first of the formal ceremonies that frame academic life at Western

5. During the period, the Visiting Professor would contribute to the academic life of the RSUH by engaging in teaching, research and mentoring.

6. Death can be harsh on one’s career, or so it seems in terms of the long and productive academic life of physiologist Ancel Keys, Ph

7. Death can be harsh on one’s career, or so it seems in terms of the long and productive academic life of physiologist Ancel Keys, Ph

8. 29 He had a rich and varied non-academic life as a government official and adviser, journalist, speculator, academic administrator, and member of the Cambridge Apostles and the Bloomsbury group.

9. Conversely, luring underprepared, disinterested, ill-informed and inappropriate students who have been marketed a glossy view of campus and academic life will likely lead to a low sophomore retention rate, increasing attrition, and, finally, a low graduation rate.