thrust in Hindi

thrust <N.>

  1. बल "He enlivened his editorials with barbed thrusts at politicians." thrust
  2. ठेलना "He thrust his chin forward."

Sentence patterns related to "thrust"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "thrust" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "thrust", or refer to the context using the word "thrust" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Thrust (All Engines) (Thrust) minus (Drag) = thrust available for climb or acceleration

2. Clutch thrust block

3. Thrust and twist.

4. A fine thrust.

5. Dodge, parry, and thrust!

चकमा दो, रोको, और मारो!

6. They've got maximum thrust.

7. They thrust themselves forward.

8. Thrust, weight, aerodynamic resultant;

9. He thrust through the crowd.

10. Thrust vector control sub-systems;

11. Riser buoyancy adjustable thrust column

12. Aerodynamic, centrifugal, and thrust forces;

13. Hard thrust pad prevents galling.

14. Caulking gun with adjustable thrust mechanism

15. We've lost thrust on both engines.

16. He had marriage thrust upon him.

17. with an improper thrust-compression ratio?

18. The fencer parried his opponent's thrust.

19. Her chin was thrust forward aggressively.

20. Thrust loads may be directed either forwardly, as during propulsion operation of the engine, which places the thrust links 30, 32 in tension; or the thrust loads may be directed Aftward, as upon deployment of the conventional thrust reversers of …

21. They thrust themselves into the house.

22. He thrust her with a spear.

23. She said we need more thrust.

24. Selden received this thrust without discomposure.

25. The obligation was thrust on him.

26. Fatherhood had been thrust on him.

27. He thrust aside all precautionary advice.


29. She thrust the money into his hand.

30. What does Abstrude mean? To thrust away

31. Here it is in a thrust configuration.

32. He thrust at me with a knife.

33. She thrust past him angrily and left.

34. Sam thrust his leg over the sill.

35. Adjustable flow path geometry for reverse thrust.

36. Touch them, they'll go full reverse thrust.

37. He thrust his hands into his pockets.

38. 1 Fatherhood had been thrust on him.

39. He thrust the fork into the fish.

40. He thrust his way through the crowd.

41. She thrust a letter into my hand.

42. Preferred dodgems have rotatable thrust air exit paths, are circular, or have thrust air exit paths angled towards the ground.

43. Reverse thrust is cheating, real men Aerobrakes

44. He thrust the money into his pocket.

उसने पैसे अपनी जेब में ठूसे।

45. She thrust past him Angrily and left

46. Chivy: to thrust oneself upon (another) without invitation.

47. Wedge one-way clutch with gear thrust activation

48. She thrust her way through the dense undergrowth.

49. Unexpected events thrust themselves continually athwart our path.

50. e. Adjustable flow path geometry for reverse thrust.