tetanus in Hindi

tetanus <N.>

  1. धनुस्तम्भ "He was given a tetanus injection after the accident."

Sentence patterns related to "tetanus"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tetanus" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tetanus", or refer to the context using the word "tetanus" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. You cannot get tetanus from the tetanus shot .

2. Tetanus.

3. Tetanus is...

टेटनस होता है...

4. Acute Treatment of Tetanus: Tetanus can be treated by using penicillin.

5. Subject: Combating tetanus

6. Is that tetanus?

7. a) Neonatal tetanus

8. 0.79 MILLION Neonatal Tetanus

9. I remember tetanus shots.

10. Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed is a vaccine used to prevent the symptoms of tetanus

11. Tetanus here in India.

12. Tetanus toxoid # IU/ml

13. Oh, and update her tetanus.

14. Pregnant women immunized against tetanus

15. In some countries a pregnant woman can receive tetanus toxoid vaccine to prevent neonatal tetanus.

कुछ देशों में गर्भवती स्त्रियाँ टिटनस टॉक्साइड का टीका लगवा सकती है ताकि गर्भ में पल रहे बच्चे को टिटनस से बचा सके।

16. Against diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus

17. I was vaccinated against tetanus.

18. * Tdap : Tetanus , diphtheria , and pertussis booster

19. (f)Anti-tetanus vaccines and immunoglobulins

20. The nurse gave me a tetanus injection .

21. The decision to give tetanus immunisation depends on the patient's immunity as well as the wound's susceptibility to tetanus. Sentencedict.com

22. The decision to give tetanus immunisation depends on the patient's immunity as well as the wound's susceptibility to tetanus.

23. India has eliminated maternal and neonatal tetanus.

भारत ने मातृ और नवजात शिशु संबंधी टेटनॅस का भी उन्मूलन कर दिया है।

24. Tetanus booster and a gram of Ancef!

25. Diphtheria toxoid# Tetanus toxoid# Bordetella pertussis antigens

26. · Tetanus, with high mortality and neurological sequelae.

27. Three million women were immunized against tetanus

28. DTaP : Diphtheria , tetanus , and acellular pertussis vaccine

29. People with contaminated wounds who have not been immunized against tetanus within five years may be given a tetanus vaccination.

दूषित घाव के साथ जो लोग टिटनेस के खिलाफ पांच साल के भीतर नहीं प्रतिरक्षित किया गया है एक टिटनेस टीकाकरण दी जा सकती है।

30. 12 The nurse gave me a tetanus injection .

31. Maternal and neonatal tetanus campaigns are on track.

32. Package Insert - Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids Adsorbed, STN 103944 Supporting Documents December 20, 2018 Approval Letter Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids Adsorbed, STN 103944

33. Then there's diphtheria-tetanus, what they call dip-tet.

34. I get tetanus shots every time I get dressed!

35. Doctors suggest getting a tetanus vaccination every ten years.

36. It's how he got the tetanus into her system.

37. He had not been immunized against tetanus by vaccination.

38. Let's get a gram of ancef and update the tetanus.

39. Hell. Can't I just get a tetanus shot or something?

40. Tetanus is caused by bacteria which are present in soil.

41. 565 Validation of elimination: maternal and neonatal tetanus – Uganda, 2011

42. Read more about tetanus in the factsheet for health professionals .

43. Then , tetanus and diphtheria boosters are recommended every 10 years .

44. See Thermal regulation Tetanus prophylaxis, for acute abdomen, 4-7

45. For example , the diphtheria and tetanus vaccines are toxoid vaccines .

46. Tetanospasmin is a neurotoxin produced by bacteria that causes Tetanus.

47. You have to disinfect it, otherwise you could get tetanus.

रोगाणु-मुक्त करना होगा, नहीं तो टेटनस हो सकता है.

48. This whole place is a tetanus shot waiting to happen.

49. Health Protection recommended against malaria, cholera, typhoid, polio, tetanus, hepatitis.

50. Do we have any tetanus shots in the first aid kit?