temperate in Hindi


  1. सम~शीतोष्ण "A temperate region."
  2. आत्मसंयमी "A temperate person controls his senses."

Sentence patterns related to "temperate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "temperate" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "temperate", or refer to the context using the word "temperate" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Temperate and tropical Countries.

2. Britain has a temperate climate.

3. 18 Britain has a temperate climate.

4. He is temperate in his habits.

5. Temperate Butterworts (Pinguicula) Temperate Butterworts (Pinguicula) survive long, cold winters by dying down to small, cone shaped hibernacula

6. Japan is in the temperate zone.

7. Great Britain has a temperate climate.

8. Rainforest Biome Tropical Rainforest Temperate Rainforest 39

9. Agroforestry practice and principles — temperate and tropical;

10. Temperate forests pose the problem of seasonality.

11. Please be more temperate in your language.

12. The weather here continues to be temperate!

13. The plant grows only in the temperate zone.

14. Most warm temperate climate plants are also evergreen.

15. The contrasts between temperate and tropical forests are striking.

16. Habitat 'Cowslip is common throughout temperate Europe and Asia

17. Grow characteristics: To warm temperate zone tree is planted.

18. Most of China is situated in the temperate zone.

19. Zoology characteristics: To warm temperate zone tree is planted.

20. Broadly, Bacteriophages can be classified as VIRULENT or TEMPERATE

21. Buttercups are usually found in cold and temperate regions

22. The lysogenic cycle of a temperate Bacteriophage such as lambda

23. Kelps are primarily associated with temperate and arctic waters worldwide.

24. The Nile Valley keeps a temperate climate throughout the year.

25. Most of the Siberian regional climate is temperate coniferous forests.

26. The original Greek word denotes being temperate and self-controlled.

इसका मौलिक यूनानी शब्द संतुलन और आत्म-नियंत्रण को सूचित करता है।

27. Climate is semi - arid northern temperate zone monsoon climate zone.

28. Aizawl sees a temperate and mild climate with comfortable summers

29. Arapahos preferred the cool, temperate weather of the Powder River country

30. 21 The Nile Valley keeps a temperate climate throughout the year.

31. Insects do by far the most pollination, especially in temperate lands.

32. This is a widespread species found in warm and temperate areas.

33. Bushtits are a type of above ground vermin who inhabit temperate forests

34. 14 synonyms for Abstemious: temperate, sparing, moderate, sober, austere, frugal, ascetic, self

35. Abstemious definition, sparing or moderate in eating and drinking; temperate in diet

36. Most of the world's wheat is grown in the North Temperate Zone.

37. Mountainous areas, coastal wetlands, tundra, and temperate forests are under particular threat.

38. Leptospirosis occurs worldwide but is most common in temperate or tropical climates .

39. Most of the world's wheat is grown in the North Temperate zone.

40. Crabapples are native to cold- and cool-temperate areas of Asia and Russia

41. Bacteriophage that parasitises a host bacterium without lysing it is called “temperate phage“

42. The climate varies from tropical in the lowlands to temperate in the mountains.

43. Northern Algeria is in the temperate zone and enjoys a mild, Mediterranean climate.

44. Bimbi plant is a climber, growing all over the temperate region of India

45. It is distributed in the tropical, subtropical, and temperate zones of the world.

46. Our fish — loup de mer, Branzino, Dicentrarchus labrax — is a species in Family Moronidae, which are more accurately (though rather unexcitingly) known as the “temperate basses” due to their known range in temperate-climate waters.The temperate basses can be found on both sides of the North Atlantic Ocean, and North

47. The other is naked, eats berries and lives in a temperate geothermal valley.

48. They help moderate the temperature in our temperate zones and give us stable weather.

49. Yangba scenic sub - tropical to warm temperate zone of the Northern forest transition zone.

50. Pairs stay in their territory throughout the year where the climate is sufficiently temperate.