studied in Hindi


  1. सोचा-समझा " He replied with studied indifference."
  2. जानबूझकर किया हुआ " He observed the studied slowness of his movements."

Sentence patterns related to "studied"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "studied" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "studied", or refer to the context using the word "studied" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. I studied engineering.

2. " Bird studied by Darwin. "

3. The Crown Princes studied here."

4. He studied conscientiously and enthusiastically.

5. He studied botany at university.

6. He studied theology at college.

7. The children studied him impassively.

8. I studied medicine in college.

9. He studied archeology in college.

10. He studied her face thoughtfully.

11. He has also studied Japanese.

12. I should have studied harder.

13. He studied architecture at university.

14. She studied Classics at university.

15. Have you studied organic chemistry?

16. She spoke with studied politeness.

17. Astragalus is the least-studied agent

18. He studied religion and modern science.

19. Altruistic spirIt'should studied by us vigorously.

20. 6 He studied conscientiously and enthusiastically.

21. It's like she studied anatomy, right?

22. Angela studied ballet for six years.

23. He had studied diligently at college.

24. He has studied Chinese for years.

25. I wish I had studied harder.

26. White then studied law and Clerked …

27. 4 She studied psychology at Harvard.

28. He additionally studied philosophy in 1908.

29. They studied together in their youth.

30. The spectroscopic characteristics w ere studied.

31. He studied the entire Wagnerian oeuvre.

32. She studied/read classics at Cambridge.

33. Yeah, but they haven't studied behavior.

34. She studied the letter, frowning thoughtfully.

35. Aristotle studied Explanation of Aristotelean philosophy

36. More Greek manuscripts have been studied.

37. Seventy six consecutive patients were studied.

38. The clerks studied the parchment curiously.

39. This case has been intensively studied.

40. He studied her thoughtfully, then smiled.

41. 13 He studied languages, studied political theory, knew diseases intimately, had official records of his skill as a pilot.

42. I've studied insurgencies for the last decade.

43. Coincidentally, they had both studied in Paris.

44. 1 She introduced herself with studied casualness.

45. Purification of sugar cane molasses was studied.

46. He studied these subjects on his own.

47. She studied chemistry and physics at college.

48. The Cardioid was first studied by Ole

49. Biorhythms have been studied for many generations

50. Raúl, as an undergraduate, studied social sciences.