stockpile in Hindi

stockpile <N.>

  1. जमा-पूँजी "Seeing to the rise in the price of onions, people have kept a stockpile of onions a side."

Sentence patterns related to "stockpile"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stockpile" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stockpile", or refer to the context using the word "stockpile" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. That, and I stockpile from commissary.

2. 2 The country built up a stockpile of strategic metals.

3. 1 The country built up a stockpile of strategic metals.

4. Maintaining a stockpile is administratively and operationally expensive – and often pointless.

किसी ज़खीरे को बनाए रखना प्रशासकीय और प्रचालन की दृष्टि से महँगा - और अक्सर बेकार होता है।

5. We ensure that the nations nuclear stockpile remains ready for the presidents order.

6. But as they do this, they're just building the stockpile of dollar reserves.

7. For example, the initial airlift of National Emergency Stockpile System supplies was hampered by administrative delays.

8. The ability of jurisdictions to pay for their share of a recommended prophylaxis stockpile may vary.

9. Dr. Neville has ordered local hospitals to stockpile antiviral drugs and to begin preliminary quarantine protocols.

10. It is driven by collectors rather than dealers, who stockpile or underbid simply to push up prices.

11. Canada also welcomes the advances that have been made in stockpile destruction, mine clearance, and mine risk education.

12. Then we are talking about the stockpile which is sufficient for the lifetime operation of the reactors.

फिर हम भंडार के बारे में बात कर रहे हैं, जो रिएक्टरों के आजीवन प्रचालन के लिए पर्याप्त है।

13. Crate Club is the pinnacle of your survival stockpile, from first-aid kits to high-quality outdoor gear

14. Deep price promotions may cause people to bulk-buy (stockpile), which may invalidate the long-term effect of the strategy.

15. From 2007 to 2011, Presidential dollar Coins were minted for circulation in large numbers, resulting in a large stockpile of unused

16. Most preppers stockpile and prefer Bugging in because it’s easy and takes less skill and skills are harder to master

17. We stockpile samarium for defense purposes, of course, and quietly sell what we don't need to our friends in nuclear energy.

18. Hence the US 2002 stockpile of 1 billion normal m3 would have contained about 12 to 43 kilograms of helium-3.

19. Conveyor belts then take the washed, treated ore to an open stockpile, from where a conveyor loading system transfers it to ore ships.

20. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is primarily a crude petroleum reserve, not a stockpile of refined petroleum fuels such as gasoline, diesel and kerosene.

21. Reduce diffuse dust emissions at stockpiles by using sufficient humidification of stockpile charging and discharging points and the use of conveyor belts with adjustable height.

22. To avoid dependence on the British and Canadians for ore, Groves also arranged for the purchase of US Vanadium Corporation's stockpile in Uravan, Colorado.

23. Bioweapons status: Former program terminated and stockpile destroyed (1970s) Agents (former): Plague, cholera, yellow fever, typhus, foot-and-mouth disease, glanders, potato beetle, wheat fungus

24. Yes, virtually every civilization and empire has had its revered military heroes, its standing armies, its famous battles, its sacrosanct military academies, and its stockpile of weapons.

25. Armco Construction Products - We strive to be leading specialists in the supply and manufacture of corrugated steel pipes used mainly as stockpile tunnels and culverts for roads.

26. Merchant ships trade resources from the stockpile and exchange it for gold at another player's dock, with the amount of gold earned being relative to the distance between both docks.

27. So if we want to be able to prevent epidemics like Ebola, we need to take on the risk of investing in vaccine development and in stockpile creation.

28. 19 The stockpile, infrastructure and work force played a critical and evolving role in every stage of our nuclear experience, from the Manhattan Project to the present day.

29. The scarce human and financial resources allocated toward stockpile management could be more efficiently directed toward landscape preservation efforts (which can become self-sustaining over time through payment for ecosystem services).

ज़खीरों के प्रबंधन के लिए आवंटित दुर्लभ मानव और वित्तीय संसाधनों को लैंडस्केप संरक्षण के प्रयासों (जो पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र सेवाओं के लिए भुगतान के जरिए समय के साथ आत्मनिर्भर बन सकते हैं) की ओर अधिक कुशलता से निर्देशित किया जा सकता है।

30. John Murray A FEW SHORT NOTES ON TROPICAL BUTTERFLIES (2003) The broader realm of mine action also includes advocacy, victim assistance, Antipersonnel mine stockpile destruction, mine risk education and research.

31. In the single-letter analogue of Silverman's game, players draw Alternately from a stockpile of nine different letters; the first to select the letters forming one of a specified list of nine words is the winner.

32. 24 When in late 19 US President Franklin Roosevelt sought (my view) to push Japan into the war by imposing an embargo of oil and scrap metal on Japan, Tokyo had a two-year stockpile of oil.

33. (b) Iran is to take the following voluntary measures: reduce the existing stockpile of 20% enriched uranium, stop enrichment of Uranium to 20% for six months; stop installation of new centrifuges or activation of already installed new centrifuges for uranium enrichment at Natanz and Fordow or new locations for enrichment; freeze its existing stockpile of low-enriched fuel, halt construction on the core of the Arak research reactor and not construct any reprocessing facility; and accept enhanced monitoring of its nuclear fuel cycle activity.

(ख) ईरान को निम्नलिखित स्वैच्छिक उपाय करने हैं: 20% संवर्धित यूरेनियम का विद्यमान भण्डार कम करना, छः महीने के लिए यूरेनियम को 20% तक संवर्धित किए जाने को रोकना, ननताज तथा फॉरडॉ में अथवा नए स्थानों पर यूरेनियम संवर्धन हेतु नए अपकेन्द्रित्रों का संस्थापन अथवा पहले से संस्थापित अपकेन्द्रित्रों को प्रचालन रोकना, कम-संवर्धित ईंधन के विद्यमान भण्डार को प्रतिबंधित करनाः अराक अनुसंधान रिएकटर के केंद्र में निर्माण बंद करना तथा प्रसंस्करण सुविधाओं की व्यवस्था नहीं करना; और इसके परमाणु ईंधन चक्र क्रिया की गहन मॉनीटरिंग को स्वीकार करना।

34. And then I truly believe, once a group is in orbit around the Earth -- I know if they don't do it, I am -- we're going to stockpile some fuel, make a beeline for the moon and grab some real estate.

35. This complements the stockpile of supplies available to treat traumarelated injuries. We also accelerated staffing, budgetary and business planning activities within our Centre for Emergency Response and Preparedness to ensure that the necessary resources would be in place to operate effectively in this new environment.

36. Biomining is an increasingly applied biotechnological procedure for processing of ores in the mining industry (biohydrometallurgy). Nowadays the production of copper from low-grade ores is the most important industrial application and a significant part of world copper production already originates from heap or dump/stockpile bioleaching.

37. a) # dated # arch # entitled ALetter dated # arch # from the Charge d=Affaires, Deputy Permanent Representative of Belarus addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting information about the International Workshop on Humanitarian De-Mining and Mine Stockpile Elimination, which was held in Minsk on # and # arch # "

38. ‘The Apron feeders are mounted on wheels so that the Apron feeder and feed chute assembly can be easily slid out from underneath the crusher rock box/stockpile.’ ‘The Apron feeders are preferably equipped with a self-cleaning arrangement to facilitate continuous operation without undue stoppages.’

39. Recent Achievements in responding to health emergencies: Yellow fever vaccination March 2017 -- In response to the on-going yellow fever outbreak in Brazil, some 3.5 million doses of vaccine from the emergency stockpile were deployed to the country through the International Coordinating Group on Vaccine Provision for yellow fever.

40. Political leaders, while racing to stockpile armaments, keep warning solemnly that one day world powers will have to “meet at the conference table with the understanding that the era of armaments has ended, and the human race must conform its actions to this truth or die,” to quote President Dwight Eisenhower in 1956.

41. CD/1608, dated 15 March 2000, entitled ALetter dated 14 March 2000 from the Charge d=Affaires, Deputy Permanent Representative of Belarus addressed to the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting information about the International Workshop on Humanitarian De-Mining and Mine Stockpile Elimination, which was held in Minsk on 6 and 7 March 2000".