statistically in Hindi


  1. साङ्ख्यिकी के आधार पर "To make this survey statistically perfect, we need to depend on past experience."

Sentence patterns related to "statistically"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "statistically" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "statistically", or refer to the context using the word "statistically" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. You are statistically insignificant.

2. I'm saying you deviate... statistically.

3. These results are statistically insignificant.

4. These differences are not statistically significant.

5. The anecdotal evidence is supported Statistically.

6. The variation is not statistically significant.

7. This effect was not statistically significant.

8. The results are not statistically significant.

9. This is Keith Haring looked at statistically.

10. Statistically, you are your own worst enemy.

11. The difference, however, was not statistically significant.

12. A turbulent flow can, however, be statistically stationary.

13. This relationship, while statistically significant, was not strong.

14. Statistically, it is difficult to avoid divorce.

15. Beaned The statistically more realistic version of BLACKED

16. Whether these figures are statistically significant is doubtful.

17. This difference, while twofold, is not statistically significant.

18. The rise in temperature is not statistically significant.

19. Statistically speaking, one person commits suicide every six hours

20. Given a large enough sample, accidents are statistically inevitable.

21. Statistically speaking, one person commits suicide every six hours.

22. Statistically, some 000 Guardian readers will be problem drinkers.

23. The results of the experiment are not statistically significant.

24. The extent of these differences must nevertheless remain statistically acceptable.

25. Political-regime changes are statistically significant predictors of growth Accelerations

26. The compositional variations of non-stoichiometric Bornites were statistically significant.

27. Generally, these traffic segments are small and not statistically significant.

28. Women have a statistically higher rate of foot problems and deformities.

पैरों से जुड़ी तकलीफें और पैरों का आकार बिगड़ना ज़्यादातर स्त्रियों में देखा गया है।

29. And so, statistically, you can save a child's life for $3.

30. He counts himself among the statistically blessed survivors of heart disease.

31. The difference between the two samples was not statistically significant.

32. When personal thefts and larcenies were considered, unemployment was statistically insignificant.

33. Statistically, the VOC eclipsed all of its rivals in the Asia trade.

34. Although it is not statistically valid, it is based on objective data.

35. When a metric is marked by a blue asterisk '*', it's statistically significant.

जब किसी मेट्रिक को नीले तारे "*" से चिह्नित किया जाता है, तो यह सांख्यिकीय रूप से महत्वपूर्ण होता है.

36. Synonyms for Computationally include mathematically, algebraically, arithmetically, numerically, statistically, geometrically, trigonometrically, topologically

37. The prevalence of amblyopia was not statistically different between the two age groups.

38. • In 2003, compliance levels improved by a statistically significant amount in nine cities:

39. Synonyms for Arithmetically include mathematically, algebraically, numerically, statistically, geometrically, trigonometrically, topologically, algorithmically

40. Well, actually, statistically speaking, if you only visit porn sites, you're safer.

41. Statistically our chances of being the victims of violent crime are remote.

42. All results were ascertained statistically by calculating regression lines and by covariant analysis.

43. Statistically, they are educated, on average, above the education levels of Western society.

44. After the first, each subsequent divorce becomes statistically more likely than the one before.

45. In all cases the results of monitoring will be reviewed, analysed statistically and published.

46. This theory implicitly assumes that the turbulence is statistically self-similar at different scales.

47. While cases of severe erythroblastosis showed a statistically significant elevation of the HCG concentration in the amniotic fluid, in cord blood of newborns an increased content of HCG could not be proved statistically.

48. Cyanotic vitum is statistically more frequent in disturbances of rhythm to 35,7% than acyanotic vitium.

49. Only three of the abnormal returns in Chart 1 are large enough to be statistically

50. Picking the right six numbers in a lotto is, to say the least, statistically improbable.