sprout in Hindi

sprout <V.>

  1. अंकुरित होना "New buds have started to sprout from the apple tree."

Sentence patterns related to "sprout"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sprout" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sprout", or refer to the context using the word "sprout" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Buds sprout in the spring.

2. When do deer first sprout horns?

3. Insecticide, acaricide, fungicide and sprout inhibitor.

4. The onions are beginning to sprout .

5. When the seedlings sprout, uncover the tray.

6. Sprout Sock Mini Besprinkled (Fiber Seed) $9.00

7. Everquest Item Information for Arborean Sprout Root

8. Trees were starting to sprout new leaves.

9. Aerials sprout up like weeds on the roof.

10. New shapes sprout and metamorphose before our eyes.

11. The seeds will sprout in a few days.

12. Brusquenesses brusquer brusquerie brusqueries: brusquest brussel sprout brussels brussels sprout brussels sprouts brust brusting brustle brustles brusts: Literary usage of Brusqueness

13. When do we sprout hair and pointy ears?

14. Even the tiniest Bulbil can sprout a new plant

15. Light green buds sprout from the trees in spring.

16. The Sprout to be king and priest (9-15)

17. Beans and corn sprout from these nutrient-poor soils.

18. Leaf-shoots were beginning to sprout on the hawthorn.

19. I wish I could sprout wings and fly away.

20. 5 New shapes sprout and metamorphose before our eyes.

21. 6 The khaki scouts sprout in number, appearing from nowhere.

22. Move the pots outside when the seeds begin to sprout.

23. Yes, and perhaps I should sprout wings and flutter off.

24. It takes about three days for the seeds to sprout.

25. I wished I could just sprout wings and fly away.

26. Once they sprout, Begonias easily thrive in many different climates.

27. 40 Then let thorns sprout for me instead of wheat

28. Sprout wings and soar towards warming embrace of fucking Apollo?

29. Cause righteousness+ and praise to sprout+ before all the nations.

30. You can sprout the seeds fast by soaking with warm water.

31. At the age of fourteen John really began to sprout up.

32. A sprout can take just so much and then no more.

33. The seeds will sprout in 3 days after they are sown.

34. Blastula Meaning: "sprout, germ" + diminutive ending -ula (see -ule)

35. The real reason that the sprout withers is not the heat.

36. Brusquenesses (current term) brusquer brusquerie brusqueries brusquest: brussel sprout brussels brussels sprout brussels sprouts brust brusting brustle brustles brusts brut: Other Resources: Words people are searching for today:

37. Ten smaller eyes on stalks sprout from the top of the orb.

38. It was 20 years old when I began to sprout a moustache.

39. I find Sprout Social (SPT) stock Conservatively valued relative to its market opportunity

40. The Brussels sprout has long been popular in Brussels, Belgium, from which it …

41. Chitting potatoes forces them to sprout a few weeks before you plant them

42. Where every plant to sprout is known in advance because you put it there.

43. Bamboo plants need the sightly wet coolness of a forest in which to sprout.

44. Bruskness brusque brusquely brusqueness brusquenesses brusquer brusquerie brusqueries: brusquest brussel sprout brussels brussels sprout brussels sprouts brust (current term) brusting brustle brustles brusts: brut bruta brutal brutalisation brutalisations brutalise brutalised brutalises brutalising brutalisms

45. All Cacti have areoles, or small bumps from which sprout flowers, branches, or spines.

46. Later, when a certain mass is obtained, the Apical dominance weakens and suckers sprout

47. Subscribe to Sprout: The North Carolina Arboretum Blog, and never miss the latest happenings

48. The “Sprout” mentioned at Zechariah 6:12 is Jesus Christ. [si p. 171 par.

49. After heavy rains, native grasses and flowering plants would sprout, but droughts always returned.

50. November 2015, the computer Sprout by HP integrates the 3D printing service of Sculpteo.