smug in Hindi

smug <N.>

  1. आत्म सन्तुष्ट "He appeared to be smug while taking his progress report."

Sentence patterns related to "smug"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "smug" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "smug", or refer to the context using the word "smug" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. He writes smug, sanctimonious rubbish.

2. He writes smug, sanctimonious waffle.

3. You smug son of a bitch.

4. A smug, self-satisfied horse's ass.

5. And I always feel rather smug then.

6. He writes smug,[sentencedict .com] sanctimonious rubbish.

7. What are you looking so smug about?

8. He was so unbearably smug about winning.

9. I felt very smug about not wasting paper.

10. Television commercials seem more smug and fatuous than ever.

11. Daley was almost smug as he watched King floundering.

12. Not to be a trifle smug, or anything.

13. I reckon she has good reason to feel smug.

14. I used to be such a smug little prig.

15. Complacent means self-satisfied, smug, uncritical about one’s achievements

16. Frank patted his pocket and smiled, looking awfully smug.

17. He's been unbearably smug since he gave up smoking.

18. 'I knew I'd win,' she said with a smug smile.

19. Complacent is far commoner and means ‘smug and self-satisfied’.

20. He is hapless, passive and maybe just a wee bit smug.

21. Peter Kemp's aim seems to be to make Wells sound smug.

22. 7 He is hapless, passive and maybe just a wee bit smug.

23. 13 Tigress felt very smug in a tenement yard like this.

24. Thomas and his wife looked at each other in smug satisfaction.

25. Take that smug look off your face before I slap you!

26. Now don't get smug just because you've won a couple of games.

27. Gesner, sniffing the advance of his adoring fans, suddenly became smug and rather patronizing.

28. Theirs was a correction of smug Victorian concepts, a crusade sprung from reactive energies.

29. • Gesner, sniffing the advance of his Adoring fans, suddenly became smug and rather patronizing

30. But the Emperor of Smug Condescension doesn't have room for any more advisees.

31. Harrison sat in smug satisfaction at the look of surliness on Major Calder's face.

32. Lawson comes over as smug and arrogant, but in fact he's quite a decent man.

33. She deserved her promotion, but I wish she wasn't so damned smug about it.

34. R/Confidentlyincorrect: For those times when people are way too smug about their wrong answer

35. I'm not interested in hearing another one of your smug stories about the time you won.

36. It was a hangout of the privileged classes, smug, snobbish, and perfectly content to remain small.

37. 17 At the risk of sounding smug, my ornamental kitchen garden gave me no such problems.

38. Instead of announcing the glad news to all the nations, Christians became smug and indolent.

39. The general tone on this side of the Atlantic has veered between the smug and uncomprehending.

40. Margaret's life might have been brightened up by a smug, self-amusing gurning garden gnome.

41. 22 Their class system was hidebound, their rulers unjustifiably smug, their attitude to rising talent blinkered.

42. May we never become complacent, careless, smug —easygoing in the wrong sense. —Luke 21:29-36.

43. Look at them, just sitting there on this page, all smug and satisfied with their work.

44. The smug mask of virtue triumphant could be almost as horrible as the face of wickedness revealed.

45. Outside, the Talbot Horizon was cooling its smug self after bunny-hopping me through the north London gridlock.

46. Every time you look smug... or annoyed or tense, I'm gonna hit you with a gummy bear.

47. 4 That God is holy does not mean that he is smug, haughty, or disdainful of others.

48. Now the telephone had acquired a personality, sat on the shelf so smug, taunting her with its silence.

49. 7 Nice solid belay, comfortable place to sit, nice view and most of all that warm, smug feeling.

50. The smug mask of virtue triumphant could be almost as horrible as the face of wickedness revealed.