significantly in Hindi


  1. अर्थपूर्णतासे "Significantly, he did not deny that there might be an election."

Sentence patterns related to "significantly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "significantly" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "significantly", or refer to the context using the word "significantly" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Abitibi’s different product lines had significantly different asset requirements, significantly different accounts receivable turnover, and therefore significantly different financing requirements.

2. They significantly disturbed the belt.

3. The revolution significantly Arabized Egypt

4. She paused significantly before she answered.

5. The repulsor signature is significantly higher.

6. Oil prices fluctuated significantly during October.

7. Bowel frequency was not significantly influenced.

8. Electronic tools can significantly accelerate data flow.

9. "Written shopping lists significantly reduce average expenditure."

10. Participation in east Jerusalem was significantly lower.

11. High winds significantly hampered the plane's acceleration.

12. Oospore germination differed significantly among different isolates.

13. Martin Caressed his swelling shoulder-muscles significantly.

14. Parental involvement contributes significantly to children's learning.

15. Your decision will significantly affect your future.

16. The price of oil has dropped significantly.

17. Individual melatonin secretion levels are significantly different.

18. Reduces operation time and work handling time significantly.

19. Property prices did not significantly alter during 19

20. It served to broaden our shareholder base significantly.

21. MICHELIN ® Acoustic Technology significantly reduces interior noise

22. Vietnam’s human rights situation deteriorated significantly in 2017.

23. Part of the TV center was significantly damaged.

24. George paused, and glanced significantly in my direction.

25. Alcohol significantly inhibits the action of the drug.

26. Consanguineus was significantly longer when reared on L

27. Over the years, Barnstorm Jeeps has grown significantly.

28. ADF has been significantly weakened, but not defeated.

29. Food prices are significantly lower in the US.

30. Delia's work has been significantly better this year.

31. Rostovtsev's last memorandum and Panin's first differed significantly.

32. The individual mare basins differ significantly in composition.

33. Over the years, Barnstorm Cycles has grown significantly.

34. The Niva was significantly cheaper than its rivals.

35. Crime rates are significantly higher in urban areas .

36. Barb paused and glanced significantly in my direction.

37. Drying peat significantly reduced its boron adsorption capacity.

38. This is significantly more than last week's stock.

39. It uses binding to significantly reduce boilerplate code.

40. Blacktail's Morality System will significantly impact your gameplay experience

41. To PNG thumbnail looks significantly Blurrier than JPG thumbnail

42. Burial depth significantly affected germination of all species tested.

43. • Imports have slowed down significantly given the sluggish growth.

44. Eating garlic can significantly reduce cholesterol in the blood.

45. Hotdesking allows a company to have significantly smaller premises.

46. Health problems can be significantly reduced by careful diet.

47. Inadequate Calcium significantly contributes to the development of osteoporosis

48. Alloying Nickel with Molybdenum Significantly Accelerates Alkaline Hydrogen Electrocatalysis

49. Exploitation should significantly reduce warehouse stock and associated costs.

50. A wavelength converter increases the absorption of heat significantly.