seriousness in Hindi

seriousness <N.>

  1. गंभीरता "Do you realize the seriousness of the situation."

Sentence patterns related to "seriousness"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "seriousness" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "seriousness", or refer to the context using the word "seriousness" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Birdbrained: lacking in seriousness or maturity

2. Don't overestimate seriousness of the problem.

3. Lillith's formality and seriousness amused him.

4. Unchastity is next to murder in seriousness.

5. He maintained an attitude of high seriousness.

6. Don't trivialize the seriousness of the issue!

7. Everybody recognized the seriousness of the situation.

8. Security matters are treated with the utmost seriousness.

9. He underrated the seriousness of William's head injury.

10. With great seriousness he pondered upon the problem.

11. Baldwin treated the matter with the utmost seriousness.

12. He didn't realize the seriousness of her illness.

13. 29 Numbers 11 ends with a fearful seriousness.

14. Lianzhu is the combination of stylistic vivacity and seriousness.

15. He was beginning to understand the seriousness of life.

16. I hope you realize the seriousness of this crime.

17. "This is not good," he said with great seriousness.

18. She failed to comprehend the seriousness of the situation.

19. In all seriousness. Here's an example from a physics textbook.

20. Your records a litmus test of your seriousness a trader.

21. Even these shocking statistics understate the seriousness of the situation.

22. She has no comprehension of the seriousness of the situation.

23. He has not recognized the seriousness of the present situation.

24. Energy companies have pooh-poohed the seriousness of global warming.

25. Witnesses were severely admonished regarding the seriousness of spilling innocent blood.

26. There is a growing awareness of the seriousness of this disease.

27. Rockefeller denied any responsibility and minimized the seriousness of the event.

28. Military spokespeople tried to play down the seriousness of the disaster.

29. You can't in all seriousness think they'll give you the job!

30. In all seriousness,( ) there is nothing else I can do.

31. He hasn't yet woken up to the seriousness of the situation.

32. 21 He hasn't yet woken up to the seriousness of the situation.

33. The seriousness of the situation is difficult to appreciate in its totality .

34. Police often downgrade the seriousness of violence against women in the home.

35. Your records are a litmus test of your seriousness as a trader.

36. When he questioned her about her seriousness, he said she became belligerent.

37. The rule has a flavour of seriousness which suggests some moral culpability.

38. The severity of the punishment should match the seriousness of the crime.

39. Another word for Acuteness: seriousness, danger, importance, gravity, urgency Collins English Thesaurus

40. The reduction of headquarters staff demonstrated the seriousness of the Administrator’s intentions.

41. Of course, we would not want to minimize the seriousness of sin.

42. It would be a mistake to understate the seriousness of the problem.

43. Statements about the seriousness of the threat have rarely been matched by action.

44. Nigeria views with absolute seriousness, dedication and integrity any assignment conferred upon it

45. Nigeria views with absolute seriousness, dedication and integrity any assignment conferred upon it.

46. Paul exhorted fellow believers to keep in mind the seriousness of the occasion.

47. There she impressed a wider group of social work leaders with her seriousness.

48. 24 He should be treated with due seriousness — despite that " appeasement " over Iraq.

49. ‘Bestness,’ Nancy said in all seriousness.” I loved Timothy Featherstone, the dreadful No

50. Because of the seriousness of the injury the doctor Anaesthetises the area before treatment.