remarry in Hindi


  1. फिर~से~विवाह~करना "After his wife's death he is being forced to remarry."

Sentence patterns related to "remarry"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "remarry" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "remarry", or refer to the context using the word "remarry" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. She needed a special dispensation to remarry.

2. 4 The widower did not remarry.

3. The widower did not remarry.

4. 11 Why couldn't Cousin Mei remarry?

5. 6 She's going to remarry too.

6. 10 I never thought Bill would remarry.

7. 12 Husband: - If I die, will u remarry?

8. 3 She needed a special dispensation to remarry.

9. What's the respectful period of mourning Before I could remarry?

10. 8 In ancient China, women were not allowed to remarry.

11. 7 Most divorcees either remarry or cohabit with another partner.

12. In short, it's either time to remove, redecorate or remarry.

13. 9 After all, is doing to remarry, really guilty.

14. 2 Many divorced men remarry and have second families.

15. 23 In short, it's either time to remove, redecorate or remarry.

16. 19 Remarry to register under the regulations of the marriage registration.

17. 13 Husbands and wives remarry, thinking their spouses are dead.

18. Those who adulterously divorce and remarry should seriously consider what Scriptural principles?

19. By a special dispensation from the Church, she was allowed to remarry.

20. 21 After a lengthy and painful divorce, she vowed never to remarry.

21. 15 If he wanted to remarry, she would be an ideal wife.

22. 29 By dispensation from the Church, she was allowed to remarry.

23. 5 She remarry her former husband ten year after their divorce.

24. 14 Finally, looking at those who do remarry reveals a well-kept secret.

25. What is the only Scriptural basis for divorce that frees one to remarry?

बाइबल के मुताबिक सिर्फ किस वजह से एक मसीही तलाक देकर दूसरी शादी कर सकता है?

26. 16 People who remarry may have second children if their new are childless.

27. 18 However , he was in no hurry to remarry - it was too early to make any plans.

28. 1 Widows were forbidden to remarry and were stoned to death if they did.

29. 28 By a special dispensation from the Church, she was allowed to remarry.

30. 20 If my remarry person, marry a man that has taken a doctor's degree certainly.

31. Back then, a divorced woman might feel compelled to remarry in order to gain financial support.

32. 17 Ultimately,[] I question Clooney's reluctance to remarry but applaud Canalis for knowing what she wants.

33. 25 Judicial separation by the ecclesiastical courts, which did not give a licence to remarry.

34. 26 In the same survey a solid majority supported allowing divorced Catholics to remarry in the Church.

35. 27 As the daughter did not want her father to remarry, she gave him the third degree.

36. 24 More than 80% of divorced men, and 75% of divorced women, go on to remarry.

37. So it turns out that optimists are not less likely to divorce, but they are more likely to remarry.

38. Generally speaking, a widower or divorced man was three times as likely to remarry as his female counterpart throughout the period.

39. 22 Generally speaking, a widower or divorced man was three times as likely to remarry as his female counterpart throughout the period.

40. Though Admetos begs her to remain, Alcestis bids the household farewell, asks Admetos not to remarry, and commits the children to his care

41. 30 It established the right of widows who owned property to choose not to remarry, and established principles of due process and equality before the law.

42. Lastly, article 255 of the Code provides that where the wife is the innocent party, she shall be entitled to receive alimony pending good behaviour, for such time as she does not remarry.

43. Many Catholics married in the Church apply for Annulments when they have given up on the possibility of repairing their marriage and wish to remarry, sometimes years after separation and divorce

44. Currently in most States, even if the parents marry or remarry, families with TANF Arrearages are required to make payments to the State as a result of the TANF requirement of assigning child support payments.