incredulity in Hindi

incredulity <N.>

  1. अविश्वास "We listened dumb-struck, full of incredulity to the shocking details of corruption and vice."

Sentence patterns related to "incredulity"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "incredulity" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "incredulity", or refer to the context using the word "incredulity" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. There was a hint of incredulity in her voice.

2. A generalized exclamation of contempt , anger, incredulity, etc.

3. The announcement has been met with incredulity.

4. Big discoveries are protected by public incredulity."

5. Big discoveries are protected by public incredulity. "

6. All he felt was incredulity and pride.

7. She read their incredulity in their averted looks.

8. Tipper gazed with incredulity at Leslie and Studd.

9. And Morrel dropped his head with disdainful incredulity.

10. I watched from the sidelines with increasing incredulity.

11. Such an assertion today would be greeted with incredulity and disbelief.

12. Reagan's speech was met with incredulity in the US.

13. Workers expressed incredulity and anger at being laid off.

14. And who could have blamed the world for its incredulity?

15. This time he certainly saw blank incomprehension mixed with a liberal dollop of incredulity.

16. Our artists had a freedom which the Soviet nonconformists envied with incredulity.

17. It is hard for me, even now, to relate my feeling of horror and incredulity.

18. It's hard for me even now to relate my feelings of horror and incredulity about what happened.

19. The girls at the depot watched the development of this incongruous relationship with incredulity.

20. He makes heavy use of what may be called the Argument from Personal Incredulity.

21. I scamper down, I go into the wheelhouse and I say, with some level of incredulity, "Captain -- OSHA?"

22. This may explain why in 1035 Harold's claim to be Cnut's son was greeted by some with incredulity.

23. When used as an expression of disdain or incredulity, Bruh is typically used as an interjection.

24. I scamper down, I go into the wheelhouse and I say, with some level of incredulity,

25. One turned on the taps, I understood with incredulity, to discover the level of the contents.

26. The Chuff euphemism Used as an intensifier with question words to express extreme puzzlement, incredulity, indignation, etc

27. The Chuff euphemism Used as an intensifier with question words to express extreme puzzlement, incredulity, indignation, etc

28. Arguments such as this are in principle more respectable than the argument based on sheer, naked incredulity.

29. When she told her family she was gay,[Sentencedict] they reacted with a mixture of shock and incredulity.

30. But such findings as these were greeted with dismay and defiant incredulity by professional moralists and church leaders.

31. But incredulity it was that popped my eyes open and stopped my heart, swept away my slightest consciousness of pain.

32. Jim went off for his first day at work in a mood of tender incredulity, still unable to stop smiling.

33. From the beginning, there has been incredulity over Polo's sometimes fabulous stories, as well as a scholarly debate in recent times.

34. Perhaps Lucy would have melted weakly into his bony arms had not an expression of dismay and incredulity come over his face.

35. The fact that the Minister started his speech by talking about an annusmirabilis will have been met with incredulity outside the House.

36. Audings; durians; indusia; sundial; Typing Word Game - Click "Play Now" to Start! It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was