impracticable in Hindi


  1. अव्यवहारिक "It is impracticable to allocate a member of staff full-time to the project."

Sentence patterns related to "impracticable"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "impracticable" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "impracticable", or refer to the context using the word "impracticable" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. He openly criticized the plan as impracticable.

2. 4 This idea was considered completely impracticable.

3. 9 The operation would be totally impracticable.

4. 14 It was a thoroughly impracticable plan.

5. 3 Those new business building plans are impracticable.

6. 15 It's evident that the plan is impracticable.

7. The scheme was criticized as too idealistic and impracticable.

8. 5 It was an appealing plan but quite impracticable.

9. It was an appealing plan but quite impracticable.

10. 2 He openly criticized the plan as impracticable.

11. The damage it would cause makes the idea utterly impracticable.

12. 1 The scheme was criticized as too idealistic and impracticable.

13. 6 Such measures would be highly impracticable and almost impossible to apply.

14. The ebon gregarious Administerers plant it impracticable to connect them all

15. 29 Thatcher called the plan for a single European currency impracticable.

16. 16 The damage it would cause makes the idea utterly impracticable.

17. 12 Minibuses will provide transportation where walking route is impracticable or inaccessible.

18. 10 There is a point beyond which it becomes impracticable to continue.

19. 8 It would be impracticable for each member to be consulted on every occasion.

20. It will generally be impracticable to send a copy of standard terms by telex.

21. 11 It will generally be impracticable to send a copy of standard terms by telex.

22. 28 The drastic reduction in the number of committees was felt to be impracticable.

23. Furthermore, the procedures currently in existence are frequently either inadmissible or impracticable in cross-border cases.

24. A third method evaluating the tare and interference, sometimes employed where an image system is impracticable.

25. 23 When John saw the costume designs, he was horrified, finding them quite impracticable for dancing.

26. 18 Total calibration against the full range of particle size combinations and particle shapes is impracticable.

27. 7 The changes to the tax system proved impracticable as they were impossible to enforce.

28. Under these circumstances, it was considered that a price undertaking was impracticable and could not be accepted,

29. 24 Total calibration against the full range of particle size combinations and particle shapes is impracticable.

30. 2 Total calibration against the full range of particle size combinations and particle shapes is impracticable.

31. (137) Under these circumstances, it was considered that a price undertaking was impracticable and could not be accepted.

32. 4 However, modernisation will help to expand the programme further, including film shows, shadow puppetry and matinees - presently impracticable.

33. 24 All of this saves considerable cost without which the production of many foods would be uneconomic or impracticable.

34. Alternatively, one could show that accommodation was unreasonable, because individual testing of people with homonymous hemianopia was completely impracticable.

35. 30 The second is that the proposals are considered to be impracticable for most small companies and their auditors.

36. Laws had even been passed in some authoritarian societies limiting families to two children, but their enforcement had proved impracticable.

37. 17 Owen's own first chosen vehicle, the co-operative community, had become an irrelevance and was seen to be impracticable.

38. 19 Owen's own first chosen vehicle, the co-operative community, had become an irrelevance and was seen to be impracticable.

39. 13 Where this is impracticable, groups or categories of stock items which are similar will need to be taken together.

40. 22 In many cases a business's standard terms may be so long and complicated that that would be impracticable.

41. 17 However, modernisation will help to expand the programme further, including film shows, shadow puppetry and matinees - presently impracticable.

42. 20 Laws had even been passed in some authoritarian societies limiting families to two children, but their enforcement had proved impracticable.

43. 26 He had explained that the amount of paperwork involved made it impracticable, but he was sure they hadn't believed him.

44. 21 In many situations, however, there is no substitute for the use of chemicals as the application of heat is impracticable.

45. 27 A corporate financial analyst then pointed out that the compensation formula Dave had developed would be impracticable on a company-wide level.

46. 25 The Act required the whole school to meet for the daily act of collective worship unless the school premises made this impracticable.


48. (Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë) He really felt Conscientiously vexed on the occasion; for the very exertion to which he had limited the performance of his promise to his father was by this arrangement rendered impracticable

49. As it is not only inconsistent with the Genls orders but wd leave me altogether destitute of that aid in the Cloathing and Accoutring department without which it will be utterly impracticable for me to forward the parties as

50. As Strzygowski could naturally not allow himself to adopt the methods of his opponents, he devised a tabular method of "Planforschung," which was supposed to guarantee absolute objectivity, but in hindsight was completely impracticable and clearly intended to justify his abstruse theories.