imperceptible in Hindi


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Sentence patterns related to "imperceptible"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "imperceptible" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "imperceptible", or refer to the context using the word "imperceptible" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. The transition is almost imperceptible.

2. Brian's hesitation was almost imperceptible.

3. It leaves us ghosts altogether imperceptible.

4. 14 The transition is almost imperceptible.

5. Any change came through slow imperceptible evolution.

6. She heard a faint, almost imperceptible cry.

7. An imperceptible blow against censorship had been struck.

8. Slight variations, then(, are almost imperceptible.

9. The knocking/Clunking is imperceptible above say..30mph

10. His head moved in an almost imperceptible nod.

11. She answered with an almost imperceptible nod of the head.

12. Such changes are imperceptible to even the best-trained eye.

13. Be in everyday when us heavy consumption when, imperceptible producing various pollution again.

14. So, Aquamarines can range from a very light, almost imperceptible color …

15. The differences were imperceptible to all but the most trained eye.

16. The forming of football consciousness needs longtime imperceptible edification to permeation.

17. The slight change in the taste was imperceptible to most people.

18. 24 The differences were imperceptible to all but the most trained eye.

19. Accretion is the slow, imperceptible deposit of soil onto a bank or shoreline by water

20. A slow, almost imperceptible evolution is already taking place in the high street.

21. There was an almost imperceptible pause as she gathered her breath to speak.

22. Suddenly, cued by some imperceptible signal, a thousand birds rise as one thing.

23. 8 Only an imperceptible portion of petrodollars bankroll terrorism, which is anyway quite cheap.

24. So, Aquamarines can range from a very light, almost imperceptible color to stones with a …

25. Antonyms for Apprehensible include impalpable, imperceptible, inappreciable, indistinguishable, insensible, undetectable, small, subtle, minute and slight

26. An imperceptible breeze forced the leaves of a regiment of birch trees into anxious quaking.

27. Analyzing Brainwaves, the imperceptible waves of electricity surging across your scalp, has been possible for nearly a century

28. When this imperceptible metamorphosis took place, it would not be long before another marriage was arranged.

29. We detect an almost imperceptible lift as the vessel raises itself on its cushion of air.

30. The transition to "liberalism" takes place in an imperceptible manner, like continental drift, thus hiding its effects from view.

31. An almost imperceptible wink as she passed him, a small flutter of the eyelid, showed she was learning.

32. For the beneficiaries the change would be almost imperceptible: for the losers it would be a heavy blow.

33. About With their sophomore album Imperative Imperceptible Impulse, Adnauseam took a step forward in terms of composition, musical structures and sound.

34. Male and female are very similar in appearance; the male is slightly larger, but the difference is usually imperceptible.

35. At first it looked empty, then he saw two small vessels, just short of the horizon, their motion imperceptible.

36. To the innocent listener the form must be imperceptible, and bewildering in its lightning succession of perpetually fugitive events.

37. The current, usually imperceptible, was making its presence known with little shreds of foam on top of the small waves.

38. Every now and then I blew desperately down the throat or probed between the ribs for that almost imperceptible beat.

39. 23 To the innocent listener the form must be imperceptible, and bewildering in its lightning succession of perpetually fugitive events.

40. The result resembles a cyclist pedalling strongly into an equally strong headwind-and wobbling dangerously as almost imperceptible progress is made.

41. It sounded all right, but was there something slightly odd about the tuning, some as yet almost imperceptible new thin whine?

42. Sophomore album by the Italian Avantgarde death/black metal outfit "Imperative Imperceptible Impulse" will be out on February 12th, 2021

43. 23 The result resembles a cyclist pedalling strongly into an equally strong headwind-and wobbling dangerously as almost imperceptible progress is made.

44. Human Interface To No God With their sophomore album 'Imperative Imperceptible Impulse', Adnauseam took a step forward in terms of composition, musical structures …

45. Nodules containing single worms are almost imperceptible, and the visible ones enclose several of the tiny worms as well as eggs and larvae.

46. The device is provided in the material of the medium with a control unit (2), organoleptically imperceptible sensors, an acoustic generator (4), a time relay (3) and a memory unit (5).

47. The most important feature distinguishing Fichi di Cosenza from figs of the same Dottato variety grown outside the Cosenza area is their small, fine achenes, which are almost imperceptible during chewing

48. Adversa AI, the leading Trusted AI Research startup, has demonstrated a new attack method on AI facial recognition applications.By making imperceptible changes in human faces, it makes an AI-driven facial recognition algorithm misrecognise persons

49. The admission of this variation, imperceptible in the production process, would avoid excluding from the PDO facilities that are already registered which have produced products covered by it whose characteristics meet all the quality requirements established by the specification.

50. ‘In addition, fluid flows, Airflows, strain forces, and acoustical waves that were previously imperceptible might now be detected.’ ‘Further power was to have been obtained by fitting a specially ducted fan to increase the airflow through the jet system.’