hurry in Hindi

hurry <N.>

  1. बहुत जल्दबाजी "टीनू 'hurry' में अपना पासपोर्ट लेना भूल गया." hurry <V.>
  2. जल्दी करना "वह सारा काम'hurry' में करता है."

Sentence patterns related to "hurry"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hurry" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hurry", or refer to the context using the word "hurry" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Hurry, hurry, I have to get off now.

2. Miaotong... hurry.

3. Professor, hurry.

4. I'd better hurry.

5. Seize their leader, hurry!

6. Hurry and do something!

7. I'm in a hurry.

8. What's the big hurry?

9. Hurry, Allison, hide.

10. Hurry them along.

11. So I have no hurry.

12. Further into the light, hurry.

13. India's call came, hurry come.

14. You're so slow, hurry up!

15. Hurry up, on the double!

16. We got to hurry though.

17. No hurry: no indecent haste.

18. Hurry up! Quit dawdling!

19. You pulling out in a hurry?

20. You' re so slow, hurry up!

21. He wrote to hurry my return.

22. 12 What's keeping you? Hurry up.

23. Hurry up, you've been knocked on.

24. Why are you in a hurry?

25. Hurry retrace room takes medical case.

26. Hurry! hurry! the police will come in no time; help the box down; throw it into the car.

27. Berliners hurry past the Nazi eagle

28. 1074 immediately to hurry to scene.

29. They were buried in a hurry.

30. 29 Hurry up, we're already late.

31. 7 Hurry up and get dressed.

32. Drink up and we'll hurry home.

33. Don t hurry me.Let me think.

34. Hurry up, suckers, you' re dragging!

35. Can you hurry this shit up?

36. I'm in a hurry for school.

37. We must hurry to the warren.

38. You'll make it if you hurry.

39. Don't be in such a hurry.

40. Hurry up! We're waiting to go.

41. Hurry up with the food.

42. We got to hurry, man.

43. 19 Hurry up! Everyone's waiting.

44. She exited in a hurry.

45. Hurry and clean this up.

46. I'm in a fiendish hurry.

47. You don't need to hurry.

48. I have to hurry up.

49. Hurry up, we're wasting time.

50. Hurry up and get dressed.