hothouse in Hindi

hothouse <N.>

  1. शीशे की पौधशाला "ट्यूलिप फूल को" hothouse' में रखते हैं."

Sentence patterns related to "hothouse"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hothouse" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hothouse", or refer to the context using the word "hothouse" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. 17 Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality.

2. You've been invited to spend the evening in a two bedroom hothouse with the Coo-Coo Pigeon sisters.

3. 21 The hothouse flowers gardenia and stephanotis had to be coaxed and nurtured into flowering for the posies and the bridegroom's buttonhole.

4. "Earth Barreling toward 'Hothouse' state not seen in 50 million years, epic new climate record shows" This is a very poor misleading title

5. The trappings of warriors of Okar Aided in the deception; and for wear beyond the hothouse cities we each had suits of the black- and yellow-striped orluk

6. Befrets monumental-weric Reasonable HeatyvByer HtTTOIINSON Superin-tendent YaegerBethel ffiurpfrree LIVE Souppernonga State Taliahaseee J acaempliahed Statement Tlttentlom-To dii distinguished Apalachloola Hothouse Aawrres comfortably conveniently TuHdaYlnd ComsifeeioMrf irekai-raefe business-United Unsurpassed Technology Ioos Market

7. Though highly conventional markers of femininity Bestrew the novel--Zenobia's hothouse flower, associating her with Beatrice, Rappacini's ill-fated daughter (41), Priscilla's purse (intriguingly, Coverdale reveals that he, too, possesses one) (33)--especially sharp spikes line the markers of manhood.

8. ‘Pompeii was a sexual hothouse, but the Bordellos (which numbered about 25 when Vesuvius erupted) were the least sensual thing about the place.’ ‘There were times when I walked through the streets dressed as a boy, lining up with the men in front of Arabian Bordellos …

9. These include: the Yelagin Palace with the hothouse and the pavilions (1816-1818), Saint Michael's Palace, General Staff Building, the buildings of the Senate and Synod (1829-1833), the façade of the Russian National Library that faces Alexandrinskaya Square, the pavilions of Anichkov Palace, the arch of the General Staff Building, the Alexandrine Theatre and the buildings of the Board of Theaters and Ministry of Internal Affairs.