his majesty in Hindi

His majesty <N.>

  1. महाराजा

Sentence patterns related to "his majesty"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "his majesty" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "his majesty", or refer to the context using the word "his majesty" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Here comes his majesty, the King.

2. His majesty in appearance was something wonderful.

3. Walk His Majesty through our design concept.

4. His Majesty is young... but very shrewd.

5. Did his Majesty receive my anonymous letter?

6. His Majesty never spoke a word against you.

7. Why does His Majesty always choose the ugly Madam?

8. His Majesty requests your presence in the royal chambers.

9. If this were to be relayed to His Majesty...

10. The king is styled your Majesty or His Majesty.

11. This is a dangerous criminal wanted by his majesty.

12. "Moreover, His Majesty never maintained himself in the five precepts.

13. She sent away the retinue of staff provided by His Majesty.

14. The woman told her how His Majesty fell in love with her

15. Anan bray loudly: " We have a plan, His Majesty will not surrender! "

16. Recipients of His Majesty the King's Medal of the 12th Size with Chain.

17. Submitting the Red Pills to His Majesty... is the utmost honor for Wudang.

18. This is the scent bag that his majesty gave to his son-in-law.

19. I need you to deliver it to the secretary of His Majesty the King.

20. Will not His majesty terrify you, And the dread of Him fall on you?

21. His Majesty the king was so moved... that tears were streaming down his face.

22. You are to make a list of potential candidates...... to share His Majesty' s bed

23. His Majesty gave many marks of his great lenity, often. endeavoring to extenuate your crimesJonathan Swift.

24. Born on 18 November 1940, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said assumed power in July, 1970.

18 नवंबर, 1940 को जन्मे महामहिम सुल्तान कबूस बिन सैद ने जुलाई, 1970 में सत्ता ग्रहण की ।

25. The Prime Minister enquired about the health of His Majesty, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

श्री मोदी ने सऊदी नरेश महामहीम किंग अब्दुल्ला बिन अज़ीज़ के स्वास्थ्य के बारे में पूछताछ की।

26. 2 days ago · India Confers Gandhi Peace Prize on late His Majesty Sultan Qaboos

27. His Majesty expressed confidence that President Kovind’s visit would set India-Swaziland relations on a new trajectory.

महामहिम ने विश्वास व्यक्त किया कि राष्ट्रपति कोविंद की यात्रा से भारत-स्वाज़ीलैंड संबंधों को एक नई गतिपथ पर स्थापित किया जाएगा।

28. Please extend my regrets to his majesty. I bid you farewell, arrivederci , sayonara, and all that sort of jazz.

29. The Resident General will be entitled to a right of private and personal audience with His Majesty the King of Annam.

30. But if any female could maintain her tolerance without struggle, His Majesty would be elated and bestow upon her certain gratuities and rewards.

31. He adopted the title "Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques" in 1986, replacing "His Majesty", to signify an Islamic rather than secular authority.

32. Popularly known as the People's King, His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck has traversed the length and breadth of his country, often by foot.

जनता के नरेश के रूप में लोकप्रिय महामहिम जिग्मे खेसर नमग्याल वांग्चुक ने अकसर पैदल ही देश की यात्रा की ।

33. "Furthermore, when His Majesty took a trip to any canal, sea, island or any other place full of sharks, sawfish and other aquatic beings, he always drank liquor.

34. Impress his majesty with the most esteemed city in Citadels by Z-Man Games! Taking on the role of the kingdom’s builders, players must create a new city to b

35. India celebrated with Bhutan the 100th anniversary of the Wangchuck dynasty, the Coronation of His Majesty the King, the first elections and the adoption of the new Constitution in 2008.

भारत ने भूटान के साथ मिलकर वांग्चुक वंश की 100वीं वर्षगांठ महामहिम नरेश के राज्याभिषेक, पहले चुनाव तथा वर्ष 2008 में नया संविधान अंगीकृत किए जाने पर समारोह मनाया।

36. 1616, Francis Bacon, Act of Council on Commendam Case his Majesty had observed that ever since his coming to the crown , the popular sort of lawyers have been the men that most Affrontedly in all Parliaments have trodden upon his prerogative

37. The king’s decree Convoking the Estates-General (1788) In August 1788, Louis XVI issued the following decree announcing the convocation of the Estates-General in the following spring: “His Majesty has decided to provide for an immediate convocation of the Estates-General of his kingdom.

38. Such was his Majesty the Sultan Moulay Youssef, despoiled of sacramental Burnouses and turban, and shuffling along on bare yellow-slippered feet with the gait of a stout elderly gentleman who has taken off his boots in the passage preparatory to a domestic evening.

39. The mystery of Bhutanese Gypsum, the Nepal market and a controversial past; Person alleges battery by five traffic constables led to two fractured ribs; His Majesty again enters 7-day facility quarantine after Royal Tour of the south; Jigme Mining to distribute 1.2 bn bid money to …

40. The mystery of Bhutanese Gypsum, the Nepal market and a controversial past; Person alleges battery by five traffic constables led to two fractured ribs; His Majesty again enters 7-day facility quarantine after Royal Tour of the south; Jigme Mining to distribute 1.2 bn bid money to …

41. If any concubine, lady, page or official caused his barge shaken, His Majesty would exercise no judgment and express no mercy, but would be enraged and order the person to be dragged with a hook and thrown into water to be consumed by sharks and sawfish.

42. "In Acceding to the Throne, I swear that I will reflect deeply on the course followed by His Majesty the Emperor Emeritus and bear in mind the path trodden by past emperors, and will devote myself to self-improvement," he stated as people all across Japan ushered …

43. The Kingdom celebrates Bahraini women’s breakthrough achievements to mark the Bahraini Women’s Day to be held under the patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka Bint Ibrahim Al-Khalifa, Wife of His Majesty King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa, the King of Bahrain, and President of the Supreme Council for Women (SCW).

44. A Map of the Kingdom of Ireland divided into Provinces Counties and Baronies : shewing the Archbishopricks, Bishopricks, Cities, Boroughs, Market, Towns, Villages, Barracks, Mountains, Lakes, Begs, Rivers, Bridges, Ferries, Passes ; also the Great, the Branch & the By Post Roads together with the Inland Navigation / by J: Rocque, Chorographer to his Majesty

45. Day; but whatsoever is worst in the sin, the venom, the malignity of the sin, the violation of his law, the Affrontings of his majesty residing in that law, though it have been a winking at his light, a resisting of his light, the ill nature, the malignity, the iniquity of the sin is forgiven.

46. Any unsealed rifle, shotgun, airgun, or other gun or firearm, found within any Dominion Park except herein provided, may be forfeited to His Majesty by the order of the Superintendent or any forest officer in the Park’s service; but such forfeiture shall not relieve from further penalties the person or persons in whose possession such unsealed weapon is found.

47. Be-hold'-ing: Many Hebrew and Greek words are so rendered in English Versions of the Bible, but epopteusantes, "your good works, which they behold" (1 Peter 2:12); "Beholding your chaste behavior" (1 Peter 3:2), and epoptai, "We were eyewitnesses of his majesty" (2 Peter 1:16) are peculiar to Peter.The fact that this word is used only by Peter and is used in both epistles is an

48. Be-hold'-ing: Many Hebrew and Greek words are so rendered in English Versions of the Bible, but epopteusantes, "your good works, which they behold" (1 Peter 2:12); "Beholding your chaste behavior" (1 Peter 3:2), and epoptai, "We were eyewitnesses of his majesty" (2 Peter 1:16) are peculiar to Peter.The fact that this word is used only by Peter and is used in both epistles is an