hedonist in Hindi

hedonist <N.>

  1. आनंदजीवी "यूरोपियन लोग"hedonist"प्रकृति के(आनंदजीवी) होते है."

Sentence patterns related to "hedonist"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hedonist" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hedonist", or refer to the context using the word "hedonist" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. To Lucien, he was a hedonist.

2. Well, the hedonist offers us a very simple straightforward answer.

3. That's how the hedonist says we should think about it.

4. I'm actually pathetic, as I'm an unhappy hedonist because of my persevering.

5. Almodovar is the happiest, most entertaining hedonist in the world today.

6. All this was contrasted with the egocentric, hedonist , carefree existence of the man - about - town.

7. The Hedonist: This group lives in pursuit of physical pleasure and in avoidance of pain.

8. Eg : Stephen an unabashed hedonist, indulging his urges with lavish meals and multiple sexual partners.

9. Now, there's different ways of working out the details of the hedonist view.

10. I was a spiritual hedonist, and wished tothe gratification of making this novel and piquant acquaintance.

11. She was going to live every minute of the next three weeks like a hedonist.

12. Baller was also used as an occasional slang term for a hedonist in the mid-20th century

13. Still, the hedonist isn't saying from a practical point of view we can necessarily do this.

14. He is a hedonist because he believe that pleasure is the most important thing in life.

15. Lili, the hedonist, on the other hand, was clearly familiar with some of the regions of Hell.

16. Epicurus, who was known as a hedonist, didn't argue that the pursuit of more and more pleasure was the key to happiness.

17. The hedonist has a privileged place in ethics; his is the case which stands if every other falls.

18. He was more certain than ever now that Tu Hsin-to was nothing more than a frivolous young hedonist .

19. I think he will turn out to be an artist who is not the happy hedonist of popular reputation.

20. According to this writer the hedonist follows the modern creed, “Live it up while you can; you’re a long time dead.”

21. "If you can't say something good about someone, sit right here by me, " Alice Roosevelt Longworth, a self-proclaimed "hedonist, " used to say.

22. "IF you can't say something good about someone, sit right here by me," Alice Roosevelt Longworth, a self-proclaimed "hedonist," used to say.

23. And of course, the hedonist will also hasten to point out that just because we can't do this perfectly or infallibly, that doesn't mean we can't make educated guesses, right?

24. Rebel rebel: Casely - Hayford's inherited resistance And yet Kingham is "taken in" and imagines Grace to be "an Aristocratically reckless hedonist in wanton search of amusement, pleasure, excitement, and power" (114).

25. And notice by the by, that when we make choices about our future, from the hedonist point of view, at least, there's no particular need to dwell a whole lot on the past, because what's done is done.

26. And good habits: The 55-year-old sticks to a diet of mostly fish and vegetables and does yoga five days a week, though the self-proclaimed hedonist admits a weakness for good wine.

27. He is at once a hedonist who preaches prudence and temperance, a theist who rejects divine intervention and the survival of the soul, and an atomist who upholds both mechanism and free will.