harbinger in Hindi

harbinger <N.>

  1. सन्देशवाहक "पुराने जमाने में कबूतर को"harbinger"के रूप में उपयोग करते थे. "

Sentence patterns related to "harbinger"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "harbinger" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "harbinger", or refer to the context using the word "harbinger" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Harbinger, you have a green light.

2. The cuckoo is the harbinger of spring.

3. The cuckoo is a harbinger of spring.

4. I'm not just a harbinger of death.

5. It was an ominous harbinger of species.

6. 6 The cuckoo is a harbinger of spring.

7. Stagflation can be a harbinger of economic depression.

8. Exert thy voice, sweet harbinger of spring!

9. The cock is the harbinger of dawn.

10. The robin is a harbinger of spring.

11. This was a harbinger of glasnost to come.

12. The sword is a harbinger of enmity and bitterness.

13. The Beachhead is a unique Harbinger Map Harbinger Map Map Level: 72 Map Tier: 5 Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device

14. The Beachhead is the name shared by three unique Harbinger Maps.

15. The November air stung my cheeks, a harbinger of winter.

16. The crow of the cock is a harbinger of dawn.

17. The crowing of the cock is a harbinger of dawn.

18. The Beachhead is the name shared by three unique Harbinger Maps

19. 14 The locust plague was and is a harbinger of something.

20. You are a green leaf, a harbinger of spring full of brightness.

21. He initiated the harbinger of Greek philosophy research from heaven to earth.

22. Could Vietnam's difficulties be a harbinger of trouble elsewhere in Asia?

23. Edwards was no more than a harbinger of the new way.

24. The Beachhead is a unique Harbinger Map Harbinger Map Map Level: 77 Map Tier: 10 Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device

25. The increase in homes prices may be a harbinger of better economic times.

26. An ugly start is not necessarily a harbinger of worse things to come.

27. You're the harbinger of drool. Mow my lawn without a shirt, Johnny Dirt.

28. It'slowly drew nearer, with each day bringing a new harbinger of its coming.

29. One harbinger of what was to come was China's earlier Korean War - in 15

30. Augury: See: caution , caveat , harbinger , indicant , indication , indicator , precursor , premonition , symptom , threat , token , warning

31. It was a triumph of dignity over racism and surely a harbinger of the future.

32. As a harbinger of both visions and love trances, Coltsfoot can be used to create subtle illusions

33. The Paris Commune will be for ever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new society.

34. Legends and lore of the sea portray it as the harbinger of winds, mist, and fog.

समुद्र की कथा-कहानियों में इसे हवाओं, धुँध और कोहरे का संदेशा लानेवाला कहा गया है।

35. Lu Xun will be for ever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new Chinese cultural movement.

36. Agent, carrier, courier, herald, envoy, messenger, conveyor, emissary, harbinger I hate to be the Bearer of bad news

37. Any actual experience of love could enter into such a sys-tem only as a harbinger of disaster.

38. The ultimate wet dream, the Besotter of souls; Wretched dowser, shadowy harbinger of extinction, Mythical scythe-bearer, man's final goal

39. As the somewhat cold season warmed up, the almond tree, a harbinger of spring, blossomed with white and pink flowers.

40. Overcoming Fear of Heights: How to Conquer Acrophobia and Live a Life Without Limits (The New Harbinger I Can Do It Series)

41. She had Bogied at Toorgey-Toorgey, when to her dismay the harbinger of disaster appeared to spring out from the sea

42. The structure of agriculture makes it difficult to treat the peasant drive for noble land as the harbinger of rural capitalism.

43. A small grille sprouted from the middle of the Cougar's "Beakier" visage, clearly a harbinger of the impending model change

44. Many analysts say a weak January in the small-cap arena is a harbinger of underperformance of the sector for the year.

45. Many sea-green incorruptibles will be there,[Sentencedict] but might this commercial fair be the first harbinger of green over-kill?

46. An article talking about people who grew up poor spoke of store credit as “a harbinger of less Beknighted things to

47. However, it is not possible to determine whether the increase in autophagic vacuolization is an adaptive response or a harbinger of cell death.

48. "The current state of heatwaves could be the harbinger of things to come, " said David Easterling, a climatologist with the National Climatic Data Center.

49. Castigator + Anubisath = 1572.87 dps (swap 1 mace spec talent to imp evis) Castigator + The Hungering Cold = 1571.44 dps Castigator + Harbinger of Doom = 1570.20 dps

50. Bipolar II Disorder Workbook: Managing Recurring Depression, Hypomania, and Anxiety (A New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook) by Stephanie McMurrich Roberts , Louisa Grandin Sylvia , et al