hamstrung in Hindi

hamstrung <V.>

  1. पंगु बना देना "एडवर्ड के पिता को लकवे ने"hamstrung"बना दिया. "

Sentence patterns related to "hamstrung"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hamstrung" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hamstrung", or refer to the context using the word "hamstrung" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. The project was hamstrung by lack of funds.

2. The new supervisory authorities are also hamstrung.

3. The whole operation was hamstrung by [ for ] lack of funds.

4. The President feels he is hamstrung by Congress.

5. His efforts were hamstrung by her one remarks.

6. Businesses hamstrung by tight credit are expected to slash capital spending plans further.

7. Then David hamstrung all but 100 of the chariot horses.

8. + Then David hamstrung all but 100 of the chariot horses.

9. The employers' offensive worsened job conditions and hamstrung plant-level union representatives.

10. General Li Tsung - jen , more democratic than most , was hamstrung by the generalissimo's distrust of him.

11. The report says American efforts to follow the financing trails have been hamstrung by several factors.

12. Western companies are hamstrung because the legality of the scheme cannot be called into question.

13. Yet in domestic policy she is hamstrung by an unwieldy coalition and Germany's federal structure.

14. Pan Am was delivered to the courts hamstrung, bankrupt and ripe for dispatch as a scapegoat.

15. But in Taiwan, financial services remain hamstrung, thanks to the government's penchant for interfering with banks.

16. They were hamstrung when the government halted all nuclear plant construction in 19 leaving them with unfinished power plants.

17. Central government is hamstrung on the notion of secrecy, which is the major impediment to any meaningful development of accountability.

18. Hendry also possesses a greater range than Davis, who may be hamstrung by his reluctance to take on long pots.

19. + 9 Joshua then did to them just as Jehovah had told him; he hamstrung their horses and burned their chariots in the fire.

20. Add the ongoing ramifications of financial reform and the credit card act, and Citi's top-line growth looks pretty hamstrung down the road.

21. The agreement for the sale of uranium, it exists but they cannot implement it because they are hamstrung by the larger treaty within Africa.

यूरेनियम के सौदे से संबंधित समझौता, यह विद्यमान है लेकिन वे इसे लागू नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि वे अफ्रीका के भीतर एक बड़ी संधि द्वारा पंगु बना दिए गए हैं।