genocide in Hindi

genocide <N.>

  1. जातिसंहार "There are reports of genocide in many African countries."

Sentence patterns related to "genocide"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "genocide" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "genocide", or refer to the context using the word "genocide" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Murder, genocide.

2. The Chamber acquitted the Accused for conspiracy to commit genocide, genocide, complicity in genocide and crimes against humanity.


4. You're talking about genocide.

5. SAYFO 1915 - The Aramean Genocide

6. Subject: Denial of genocide

7. The charge sheet included genocide.

8. 15 October 2019, Aleksandar Hemon, "‘The Bob Dylan of Genocide Apologists’" in The New York Times A genocide denier is an apologist for the next genocide

9. 15 October 2019, Aleksandar Hemon, "‘The Bob Dylan of Genocide Apologists’" in The New York Times A genocide denier is an Apologist for the next genocide

10. Genocide is a war crime.

11. When does a massacre become a genocide?

12. America and the Age of Genocide.

13. She was indicted 9 August 1999, on the charges of conspiracy to commit genocide, genocide, complicity in genocide, direct and public incitement to commit genocide, crimes against humanity, and violations of Article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions and additional protocol 3.

14. The Genocide Label Complicates Biden’s China Policy

15. “Collaborator?” Biden accused of minimizing China genocide

16. We see countries embroiled in wholesale genocide.

देशों में जाति-भेद को लेकर बड़े पैमाने पर लोगों का खून बहाया जाता है।

17. The military leaders were accused of genocide.

18. Refugees gave accounts of the mass genocide.

19. The only word that applies is genocide.

20. They've lowered the transaction costs of stopping genocide.

21. He is charged with genocide and crimes against humanity.

22. We shall end the racial genocide of integration.

23. This is nothing but institutionally mandated pseudo-genocide!

24. The use and abuse of anti - genocide law.

25. Genocide is an offense to all civilized human beings.

26. She , she notes incidents of genocide and ethnic cleansing.

27. One common word based on this root is genoCide

28. This includes crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide.

29. The genocide in Darfur shames the conscience of us all.

30. Genocide is regarded by most as the ultimate war crime.

31. Subject: Criminal reaction of Armenian genocide denial in France

32. Alison Des Forges demanded justice for the genocide victims.

33. They've launched a campaign of genocide against the immigrants.

34. They fled because they feared retribution for the genocide.

35. Underscoring the universal condemnation of genocide, the filing of this ICJ case marks the first time that a country not directly affected by a genocide has Broughta case under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

36. What is going on is not just war, it is genocide.

37. Redemption was somewhat inspired by the Rwandan Genocide in 1994.

38. Several of the military leaders have been accused of genocide.

39. 5 There are even reports of attempted genocide against the Israelites.

40. In part due to his memories of the Armenian genocide, Morgenthau Jr

41. The Montagnards were subjected to genocide after the Vietnam War in 1975.

42. What is going on there is not just war, it is genocide.

43. Annihilating Difference The Anthropology of Genocide EDITED BY Alexander Laban Hinton

44. The Armenian genocide cast a long shadow into the Holocaust era

45. 25 The absence of empathy fosters antisocial behavior, coldblooded murder, genocide.

46. Local Armenians at the Armenian Genocide memorial at Lowell City Hall

47. And not just to tears, but to actually stop the genocide.

48. Was it genocide or economic imperialism that led to their disappearance?

49. China Breaching every article in genocide convention, says legal report on Uighurs

50. In 1994, I briefly left Sarajevo to go report the genocide in Rwanda.