foothold in Hindi

foothold <N.>

  1. सुरक्षित~स्थान "Coca Cola has a strong foothold in the Indian market."
  2. पैर~टिकाने~का~स्थान "She used the stool as a foothold to climb the table."

Sentence patterns related to "foothold"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "foothold" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "foothold", or refer to the context using the word "foothold" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. That is a secure foothold.

2. 1 synonym for Beachhead: foothold

3. 1 synonym for Bridgehead: foothold

4. 9 That is a secure foothold.

5. She edged forward feeling for a foothold.

6. This month, try to get a foothold on freedom.

7. The firm has a firm foothold in this market.

8. He found a secure foothold and pulled himself up.

9. You're trying to consolidate your foothold in the region.

10. The outside world has suddenly got a foothold here.

11. The company is eager to gain a foothold in Europe.

12. 11 He found a secure foothold and pulled himself up.

13. It isn't easy to get a foothold as an anchorman.

14. I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold.

15. He was scrabbling for a foothold on the steep slope.

16. It isn't easy to get a foothold as an actor.

17. It was difficult to maintain a secure foothold on the ice.

18. The Philistines, constant enemies of Israel, maintained a foothold to the west.

19. I hung there, scrabbling with my feet to find a foothold.

20. Balladling 719-285 Phone Numbers Seeking foothold to craft this important transition

21. The company is trying to gain a foothold in the European market.

22. Extreme right-wing parties gained a foothold in the latest European elections.

23. The bench gave me the foothold I needed to climb into the tree.

24. These opportunistic diseases would not otherwise gain a foothold in the body.

25. We are still trying to get/gain a foothold in the Japanese market.

26. I hope the textbook will provide a foothold for students of the subject.

27. With this upcoming deal we hope to establish a permanent foothold in the US market.

28. The Vermeer acquisition gives Microsoft an important foothold in the web-design software market.

29. Spreadsheets have typically adopted these commands in order to gain some foothold in the market.

30. 8 The bench gave me the foothold I needed to climb into the tree.

31. Both love algae and probably browse it away before it can get a foothold.

32. But Yusuf could no longer allow the continuance of El Cid's foothold in the east.

33. We let the Germans take them, we're gonna lose our foothold and have to displace.

34. Climbers can strap sharp nails on to help get a foothold on a slippery slope.

35. If British business is to have a successful future, companies must establish a firm foothold in Europe.

36. 30 Climbers can strap sharp nails on to help get a foothold on a slippery slope.

37. He lowered his legs until he felt he had a solid foothold on the rockface beneath him.

38. The foot control type posture input device of the present invention senses a foothold (1) rotation angle in all directions with accuracy, and has the angle input into the computer, and has the gravity center of the person on the foothold (1) sensed.

39. Portuguese control lasted until the early 18th century, when Arabs from Oman established a foothold in the region.

40. It gave me the foothold I needed to pull myself up and look in at the window.

41. industrial equipment, global shipping, major construction and a tiny little foothold in American fast food specifically a local chain.

42. 7 Keeping hydrated improves the body's ability to trap and neutralize those microbes before they can gain a foothold.

43. Saul’s background and education, then, gave him a firm foothold in three different cultures —Jewish, Greek, and Roman.

44. Keeping hydrated improves the body's ability to trap and neutralize those microbes before they can gain a foothold.

45. These terrorist groups have been the main beneficiaries, gaining a strategic foothold in Yemen aided by the foreign aerial campaign.

46. 25 Keeping hydrated improves the body's ability to trap and neutralize those microbes before they can gain a foothold.

47. If our calculations are confirmed, Mons Malapert would offer great advantages for establishing a permanent foothold on the Moon.

48. Together, these arguments may seem to leave very little foothold for quantitative methods in the study of literary style.

49. Creeping thistle, haunt of the charming meadow brown butterfly, can become a real pest if it gets a foothold.

50. In the Canadian real estate context, Burin is a good place to establish a foothold in the real estate market