firmament in Hindi

firmament <N.>

  1. आकाश "Firmament is clear on cloudless days."

Sentence patterns related to "firmament"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "firmament" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "firmament", or refer to the context using the word "firmament" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. And pillared the blue firmament with light?

2. There are no stars in the firmament.

3. a rising star in the literary firmament.

4. The smallest pond at night mirrors the firmament above.

5. " A shimmering, glowing star in the cinema firmament. "

6. He rose his head and stared at the firmament.

7. A new star had shot into the musical firmament.

8. It looks like a swirly firmament of stars, dalmatianed with yellow dots.

9. Crystal temples all over the Earth held up the Firmament.

10. 22 It dominated the world of man and was represented by the celestial firmament.

11. Everything Aleck touched turned to fairy gold, and heaped itself glittering toward the firmament.

12. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

13. 10 Instead, hesitantly, terribly afraid she was doing the wrong thing, she plucked meanings from the firmament.

14. It dominated the world of man and was represented by the celestial firmament.

15. He puts the girl on the ground carefully with her face toward the firmament.

16. What is the world if compare to the least visible star in the firmament?

17. They were luminous planets in a remote firmament, brilliant stars shedding light on a few satellites.

18. Beholding the Daughters of the Firmament is the 3rd track from Burzum’s 4th studio album titled Filosofem

19. Agiel has the ability to invoke spirits that live in the firmament of the earth

20. And God set them in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth.

21. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth.

22. In state media, the firmament often expresses its pleasure with rulers via a rainbow or comet.

23. He was one of the stars in the firmament, one of the brightest, and he will be missed.

24. Instead, hesitantly, terribly afraid she was doing the wrong thing, she plucked meanings from the firmament.

25. A new star appeared in the firmament after his birth, a crucial sign of heavenly approval.

26. Knowledge, in truth, is the great sun in the firmament. Life and power are scattered with all its beams.

27. My attention is drawn back to the unpleasant here and now by a banging gavel: thunder shakes the firmament.

28. From this the argument is made that the Genesis account borrowed from creation myths that represent this “firmament” as a metal dome.

29. The Aspirants were some of the celestial beings the First Firmament (personification of the very first universe) created to appease his loneliness

30. Just before lift - off Kothiyal turned the engine ' s after - burner on for additional thrust and the LCA thundered into the firmament .

विमान के हवा में उ ने से ईक पहले को इयाल ने इंजन की गति बढने वाल बटन दबाया . इससे मिली अतिरिक्त ऊर्जा से एलसीए आकाश में उडेने

31. Knowledge, in truth,(Sentencedict) is the great sun in the firmament. Life and power are scattered with all its beams.

32. His dry and occasionally self-Abasing memoir, published in 1995, traced his uncertain path to the top tier of Britain's literary firmament

33. 15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth; and it was so.

34. If the effulgence of a thousand suns simultaneously were to blaze forth in the firmament; then that might be comparable with the effulgence of the Ultimate Personalities universal form.

35. Career matchups are perhaps the best forthese two, being able to fulfill the relationship's aggressive and outgoingaspects and its need to blaze a trail in the firmament.

36. Gold metal is denser, thus deeper in the ground, than silver, followed by leaves on a tree above the metals, with eagles flying above the trees, and finally the stars in the firmament.

37. "All his reverence and all his fondness and all the leanings of his life were for the Ardenthearted and they would always be so and never be otherwise." firmament

38. The most sophisticated exterior touch is a thin chromic bow that runs from the headlamp to the C-pillar along the belt line, a brightwork meteor across the car's firmament. Lovely.

39. Athletical Mystery Lyrics: Tous les mystères atomiques / Et les vainqueurs olympiques / Défileront bientôt / Au firmament brillant / Le drapeau noir et argent / Flottera au dessus des rangs

40. Genesis 1:20 - And God said, Let the waters bring forth Abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

41. Genesis 1:20 View whole chapter See verse in context And God said, Let the waters bring forth Abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven

42. Amun was ancient Egypt’s god of the air, sun, life and fertility. While the popularity of many Egyptian gods waxed and waned, surviving evidence suggests Amun retained his place in the Egyptian mythological firmament from almost its inception through to the end of pagan worship in Egypt.

43. The shining bulwarks of the Firmament defend the Afterworld; it slopes down from the mountain of Heaven to the sharp borders of Order or the rambling woods of the Questing Ground.Most souls that are not condemned to the fires of the Infernum are brought to the Afterworld.

44. On a walk Companioned by my Muse along the sylvan meadows We wandered away to delightful realms in unclouded ambience Don’t know how long I rambled warming my fancies in sunset fires Must be for long, all lights were out, the quiet hamlet lay bathed in sleep Above me, stood the starry firmament and the half hidden moon

45. July 7th 2009 Thou dost presume too much, poor needy wretch, To claim a station in the firmament Because thy humble cottage, or thy tub, Nurses some lazy or pedantic virtue In the cheap sunshine or by shady springs, With roots and pot-herbs; where thy right hand, Tearing those humane passions from the mind, Upon whose stocks fair blooming virtues flourish, Degradeth nature, and Benumbeth …