falsehood in Hindi

falsehood <N.>

  1. झूठ "The story is full of falsehood."

Sentence patterns related to "falsehood"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "falsehood" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "falsehood", or refer to the context using the word "falsehood" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. He spoke a falsehood.

2. His story was replete with falsehood.

3. The administration’s reliance on falsehood needs no Belaboring

4. Their falsehood puts it in danger of collapse.

5. Falsehood breeds distrust between marriage mates

6. She called the verdict a victory of truth over falsehood.

7. No one had accused me of falsehood before.

8. As a concealment place, Jehovah is no falsehood!

9. Their alliances are a lie, a falsehood.

10. It is sometimes difficult to disentangle truth from falsehood.

11. Doth verity but wear the mask of falsehood? Sentencedict.com

12. The administration’s reliance on falsehood needs no Belaboring

13. He would not find fault with the falsehood.

14. Falsehood is easy, truth so difficult. George Eliot 

15. Falsehood breeds distrust between marriage mates and among family members.

16. I hate and abhor falsehood but I love your law.

17. 6 He would not find fault with the falsehood.

18. □ In what way has Christendom tried to conceal herself in falsehood?

19. She doesn't seem to understand the difference between truth and falsehood.

20. He considers these as accretions and ' falsehood ' , and dismisses them .

वे इन्हें अभिवृद्धि और मिथ्था मानते है तथा इन्हे रदद करते है

21. Most people believe in right and wrong, truth and falsehood.

22. I simply wanted him to acknowledge that he had told a falsehood.

23. Such propaganda cunningly twists truth into falsehood and promotes lies as truth.

24. They have a duty to set the record straight, otherwise they are conniving at falsehood.

25. Falsehood like a nettle stings those who meddle with it. 

26. Use Contended in a sentence - Example Sentences for Contended I Contended against falsehood

27. The action for malicious falsehood is much less favourable to plaintiffs than defamation.

28. A righteous man hates falsehood, But a wicked man acts disgustingly and shamefully.

29. It's the ability to think critically: call out falsehood, press for the facts.

30. Blague (countable and uncountable, plural Blagues) mendacious boasting; falsehood; humbug; Related terms

31. The Prime Minister has made a statement closely approximate to a falsehood.

32. Why Campbell had chosen to spread such a falsehood is a mystery.

33. 12 Yes, apostates publish literature that resorts to distortions, half-truths, and outright falsehood.

१२ जी हाँ, धर्मत्यागी ऐसा साहित्य प्रकाशित करते हैं जिसमें मिथ्या वर्णन, अर्ध-सत्य, और सरासर झूठ होता है।

34. Proving perhaps that falsehood could bring its own loy however temporarily into the world.

35. This differs radically from the popular image of penetrating falsehood by perception of the liar.

36. As we have discovered, to speak falsehood means to suppress feelings as well as truth.

37. There is a Contrariety in the nature of virtue and vice; of love and hatred; of truth and falsehood

38. The injurious aftereffects of gaining bread by falsehood are compared to having one’s mouth filled with gravel.

39. In malicious falsehood the aggrieved, in this case Miss Joyce, must show the Today's comments are false.

40. For in fact, the lying* stylus*+ of the scribes* has been used only for falsehood.

41. Who had exposed the falsehood of the Trinity, immortality of the human soul, and hellfire?

42. 25 First, variants on the Gettier theme can be written in which, though there is falsehood, there is no inference.

43. 6 The action of malicious or injurious falsehood has both similarities to, and important differences from, an action for libel.

44. Just as a spiderweb holds fast a fly, millions of people are held fast by superstition and falsehood.

45. 22 In malicious falsehood the aggrieved, in this case Miss Joyce, must show the Today's comments are false.

46. He will ‘toss away all those straying from his regulations’ by resorting to trickiness and falsehood.

जितने लोग चतुराई के और झूठे काम करके “[यहोवा की] विधियों के मार्ग से भटक जाते हैं,” उन सभी को वह “तुच्छ जानता है।”

47. 1:18, 19) Paul uses a Greek word that can refer to fiction, myth, or falsehood.

48. Firstly, legal aid is not available for libel, but it may be granted for malicious falsehood.

49. Catherine!' interposed Linton, greatly shocked at the double fault of falsehood and violence which his idol had committed.

50. Although they are children of Abraham, their rebellious ways make them children of transgression and the seed of falsehood.