externally in Hindi


  1. बाहर~से "The candidate needs to be externally evaluated."

Sentence patterns related to "externally"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "externally" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "externally", or refer to the context using the word "externally" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Externally supplied interface adapter

2. The course is externally examined.

3. This medicine is to be applied externally.

4. One basidium produces four Basidiospores externally by

5. However, the market is developing rapidly externally.

6. The job should be advertised internally and externally.

7. But we are not going to accept externally induced or externally imposed legal levels on our emissions at this stage.

परन्तु हम विदेशों द्वारा प्रेरित और थोपे गए कानूनी रूप से बाध्यकारी उत्सर्जन स्तर को कम से कम इस दौर में तो स्वीकार नहीं कर सकते।

8. The university has many externally funded research projects.

9. The building has been restored externally and internally.

10. Externally vented carburetor system with vapor containment

11. Externally, she appeared calm, but inside she was furious.

12. The buds of a Corm are borne externally

13. It bears Basidiospores externally after karyogamy and meiosis

14. Vitamins can be applied externally to the skin.

15. And since Coveting cannot be regulated externally, this tenth commandment shows …

16. When Acetaldehyde is applied externally for prolonged periods it is toxic

17. An Atheroma is an externally visible elevation in the skin

18. China is more active externally and is rapidly accumulating power.

चीन बाह्य दृष्टि से अधिक सक्रिय है तथा तेजी से सत्ता संचित कर रहा है।

19. Externally, Bandicoots resemble large rats, but only with an elongated conical muzzle

20. The eggs of Amphibians are fertilized externally and lack an amnion.

21. A vibration-powered generator (5) is disposed on the flexible externally toothed gear (3).

22. Samples with externally oxidized glass also contain etched olivine crystals and some iddingsite.

23. Associate the namespace with the externally created package that sets the Context

24. Appeasements should be settled externally for Appeasements created with external refund type

25. Weathered Wood Galvanized Internally Braced Dual-Bearing Wind Turbine The GAF Master Flow externally Braced turbines The GAF Master Flow externally Braced turbines are efficient, easy-to-install venting options for your roof

26. Clove oil can be used externally or internally depending on the health concern

27. Coltsfoot can be used both internally and externally for its anti-inflammatory properties

28. The apparatus is nevertheless designed to record television programmes or other externally incoming signals.

29. 26 But what would transform it from an externally enforced to a moral obligation?

30. Externally it is very grand, its grandness enhanced by the off-setting of its constituent blocks.

31. Albizzia bark can also be mixed with other herbs and used externally as a poultice

32. The operations performed at link time usually include fixing up the addresses of externally referenced objects and functions, various kinds of cross module checks (e.g. type checks on externally visible identifiers and in some languages instantiation of template).

33. The more interruptions we get externally, it's conditioning and training us to interrupt ourselves.

34. Global supply-chain governance becomes more efficient with greater integration both internally and externally.

35. McCammond had previously Apologized, both internally and externally, after the staff uproar had become public

36. Externally, it is little altered, the mill house and mill now forming an elegant dwelling and farm.

37. The knee is not visible externally, but is located at the top of the leg.

38. If merchants want non-order-based Appeasements, the validations and payments should be handled externally

39. We can also safely share Anonymized data externally, making it useful for others without putting

40. The diffuser consists of externally acid etched hand-blown glass, and is available in two ...

41. Now their fragile consciences had the crutch of an externally imposed defence against future temptation.

42. Externally, the design went to a three smokestack profile, with a curved, rather than straight bow.

43. The basic behavior of self-induced flotation and externally controlled voltages flotation of pentlandite was investigated.

44. Externally, Alters can display different degrees of emotional expressiveness, behave in different ways, and have different …

45. As appropriate, the Council occasionally employs specialists on fixed-term contracts to undertake externally funded projects.

46. Stimulating parameters such as amplitude, polarity, pulse width, pulse train and pulse frame are externally controllable.

47. The invention concerns a pipe fitting with an internally threaded socket and an externally threaded spigot.

48. Identify how this proposal effectively utilizes resources through the aggregation of services, either internally or externally.

49. The action of Arecain resembles that of Muscarine and Pilocarpine externally, internally used it contracts the pupils

50. In the normal mode internally generated and in the adjustment mode externally applied parameter signals are operative.