draw up in Hindi

draw up

  1. खाका तैयार करना "He drew up a plan after careful thought"
  2. आकर रुकना "The car drew up in the partico"

Sentence patterns related to "draw up"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "draw up" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "draw up", or refer to the context using the word "draw up" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Draw up the contract.

2. I will draw up the model.

3. His car began to draw up.

4. Alinear translate: align, array, range, draw up

5. Draw up a chair, and join the conversation.

6. They agreed to draw up a formal agreement.

7. And draw up the electric tricycle industry colorful vision.

8. D Draw up a damage-control and alert plan

9. Suck on the tube to draw up the water.

10. Do you mind if I draw up the blinds?

11. After we get home, draw up the divorce papers.

12. Second, he should draw up a pre - nuptial agreement.

13. Draw up the lines and welcome the new teacher.

14. To draw up ( a document ) in duplicate or triplicate.

15. I've been asked to draw up the cleaning rota.

16. I will draw up a scheme of it for you.

17. The profession should draw up guidelines on rotating audit partners.

18. Will I tell my lawyer to draw up a contract?

19. She wants him to draw up the papers for the...

20. We had to draw up plans for every conceivable emergency.

21. You should draw up a plan or outline for the essay.

22. Draw up a chair and I'll tell you all about it.

23. She was asked to draw up a register of suitable sites.

24. 6 The profession should draw up guidelines on rotating audit partners.

25. The Belgian National Congress was formed to draw up a constitution.

26. A convention to draw up such a charter has already begun work.

27. 19 You should draw up a plan or outline for the essay.

28. did you Draw up a list of those involved in the search?

29. Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to draw up a business plan.

30. Draw up a list of all the things you want to do.

31. Then reheat the solder cup of the fitting to draw up the alloy.

32. 14 Draw up a balance sheet and profit and loss account for Stern.

33. Do the best you can to draw up a complete and trustworthy plan.

34. Do not try to draw up an open fire with a sheet of newspaper.

35. Draw up a roadmap for Moldova’s accession to the Convention on Common Transit Procedure.

36. Draw up a School Development Plan and renew it every year. Decide on priorities.

37. Member States could request that the appropriate bar association draw up such a list.

38. – Brutélé would draw up an income statement and balance sheet for activities on Uccle’s network;

39. The director shall draw up each year a revenue and expenditure account for the Agency.

40. Fourthly, students should be inspired to introspect, draw up correcting measures, announce publicly in the classroom.

41. Zhu Jun cudgel one's brains for, quite a while also did not draw up a word.

42. draw up and implement plans to optimise for optimising the unit's functioning and allocation of resources

43. The Commission shall draw up a work programme every year on the basis of this Decision

44. To draw up someone's horoscope, you need to know their date and exact time of birth.

45. I can draw up a petition of complaint, accusing Randall of crimes against the Scottish people.

46. The blame lies, in fact, with the intellectual ambitions of those who draw up school curricula.

47. The word Capitulate is derived from the Latin word capitulare which means to draw up under headings

48. Each Member State or region shall draw up specific studies to produce comparative statistical or actuarial data.

49. A solicitor can both draw up your will and act as your executor if you so wish.

50. The word Capitulate is derived from the Latin word capitulare which means to draw up under headings