decrepit in Hindi


  1. जीर्ण "The bicycle is in a decrepit condition."

Sentence patterns related to "decrepit"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "decrepit" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "decrepit", or refer to the context using the word "decrepit" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. He was a decrepit man.

2. The buildings were in a decrepit state.

3. Come and keep a decrepit man company.

4. What can this decrepit hag tell him?

5. Clunker (plural Clunkers) A decrepit motor car

6. The library is vast and magnificent -- but decrepit.

7. Most of the buildings were old and decrepit.

8. The British music scene is nostalgic, decrepit and moribund.

9. 2 What can this decrepit hag tell him?

10. The inn-hospital is a decrepit, single-storied structure.

11. How can you live in such a decrepit house?

12. And he's just as old and decrepit as I imagined.

13. 18 A decrepit old man sat on a park bench.

14. What happens when the nonexistent bumps against the decrepit?

15. Bonapartism The first step away from a decrepit parliamentarism is Bonapartism

16. Decrepit old Shepherd Hall is being renovated at staggering expense.

17. The sector remains riddled with Agelong challenges such as decrepit infrastructure

18. The film had been shot in a decrepit old police station.

19. Conclusion: Extract of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. ( PmT ) have effect of decrepit obviously.

20. But it was not entirely a train of decrepit and abandoned people.

21. Shaky or infirm, as with age; decrepit: Creaky knee joints; a Creaky regime

22. Equipment is decrepit, training is inadequate and the conscripts, increasingly, are society's rejects.

23. Outdated textbooks, decrepit buildings, overcrowded classrooms - the list of problems is long and growing.

24. Cinemas were old and decrepit , productions were clunkers and pirated videotapes and discs proliferated.

25. Decrepit Mistakes (EP/DEMO Promo 2020) by Agoroth, released 16 September 2020 1

26. 26 Past the overgrown lawn,( through the decrepit rose arbour and into the Wilderness.

27. In Hongwu the government assembled and changed some counties because the economy was decrepit.

28. Bill rode past the street on a horse that decrepit and about to collapse.

29. In the windows of the decrepit houses, gas lamps were beginning to be lighted.

30. The admissions area and sections set aside for doctors and duty staff are extremely decrepit.

31. He moved fiercely among the decrepit houses in his white pyjamas like an angry prophet.

32. One by one, the aged tottered in, each one seemingly more decrepit than the one before.

33. Irrigation now depends mainly on the decrepit Garagum Canal, which carries water across Turkmenistan from the Amu Darya.

34. Banger (car), a decrepit vehicle Bangers, a 1999 Australian short film; Banger Films, a production company; Sausage

35. The latter set about restoring its decrepit but largely unaltered state, uncovering the great stone fireplace in the hall.

36. The back yard was a m é lange of decrepit teak furnishings, lumpy grass and a beat - looking umbrella.

37. The Communists reacted by deposing the decrepit Zhivkov and replacing him by Petar Mladenov, but this gained them only a short respite.

38. Our battered forecabin now looked like the canopy of some decrepit truck jacked up for repairs in some Third World country.

39. When the Marauders captured her and took her to their decrepit castle, Noa, Teek and Wicket teamed up to infiltrate the Marauder stronghold.

40. (Isaiah 46:2) Babylon’s gods seem to “stoop over” and “bend down” as if wounded in battle or decrepit with age.

41. Belfast families faced being transferred to new, alien estates when older, decrepit districts such as Sailortown and the Pound Loney were being demolished

42. A group of merchants renovated the increasingly decrepit grounds in 1760 and in 1780 the West Garden was opened to the general public.

43. 10 When the Marauders captured her and took her to their decrepit castle, Noa, Teek and Wicket teamed up to infiltrate the Marauder stronghold.

44. Agoroth - Decrepit Mistakes (Full Demo/EP 2020) [English Below] Primer Demo/EP de la banda de Death Metal española Agoroth (derechos reservados copyleft Agoroth 2020)

45. ‘Yet this child-Centred society boasts the worst juvenile poverty in Europe and state schools which are decrepit, ill-equipped and under-staffed.’ ‘Parents seek access to an early education/play facility for children and child-Centred activities for children after school hours.’

46. ‘In recent months, the airline has been forced to Cannibalise its existing fleet to provide spare parts.’ ‘While Cyclo Nord-Sud focuses exclusively on helping people in the South, one cycling group with a local angle is SOS Vélo, now issuing a call-out for decrepit bikes that will be cannibalized and transformed into workable wheels.’

47. Tragically misplaced amongst a series of powerful speakers, the decrepit trio brought roars from the pressroom and discomfort for all who shun Corniness.: Let's face it, there's something about a baseball movie that just invites Corniness.: Jennifer is very warm and emotional, sometimes to the point of Corniness.: It probably seems unnecessary to write a corny eulogy for a man whose TV persona