collision course in Hindi

collision course <N.>

  1. मतभेद~लाने~वाला~कार्य "The differences between the staff and management will surely lead to collision" "course."

Sentence patterns related to "collision course"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "collision course" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "collision course", or refer to the context using the word "collision course" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Ambassador Spock, you are on a collision course.

2. 15 The two communities are now on a collision course.

3. “HUMAN beings and the natural world are on a collision course. . . .

4. Suddenly he noticed three weather reconnaissance planes headed toward him on a collision course.

अचानक उसने देखा कि तीन मौसम सर्वेक्षण विमान उसकी ओर मुंह किये टकराने की स्थिति में उड़े चले आ रहे हैं।

5. Now, they've broken the economy, and put us on a collision course with China.

6. He was also featured in the Spanish version of Ice Age: Collision Course as Julian.

7. These lights appeared to be on a collision course with the aircraft, alarming the crew.

8. Little did the passengers know that their train was on a Collision course with disaster

9. FOR about four and a half millenniums, two great organizations have been on a collision course.

10. We can stop the collision course of 50 percent of the planet with the high seas.

11. (John 12:31) They are like passengers on a ship that is on a collision course.

12. Hansen closed his talk by saying, "Imagine a giant asteroid on a collision course with Earth.

13. Gravitational perturbations by Venus could have eventually put it onto a collision course with the Earth.

संभवतः, शुक्र द्वारा गुरुत्वाकर्षण संबंधी परेशानियों ने अंततः इसे पृथ्वी के साथ टकराव की श्रंखला में डाल दिया होगा।

14. The radical coalition is set to be on a Collision course with the majority government this year

15. Could he not therefore swerve them from their collision course or step aside to avoid the clash?

16. 20 This strategy has put Cisco on a collision course with heavyweights Lucent Technologies and Northern Telecom.

17. At that point, the other ship, Farragut, loomed on a collision course and also backed to avoid contact.

18. The Bible shows that all false religions are on a collision course with the God of the Bible.

बाइबल बताती है कि सब झूठे धर्म परमेश्वर द्वारा नाश किये जाने की कगार पर हैं।

19. Of course it is alarming to see adult society, seemingly on a collision course, headed for a nuclear holocaust.

20. Here, then, is further evidence that the false religions of the earth actually take the lead, being principally responsible for the nations’ collision course.

21. Be on a Collision course Of a person, group, or object, to be on a certain path to conflict, Collision, destruction, or ruin with someone or something else

22. “Escalating repression is putting the Vietnamese government on a collision course with an increasingly politically aware and active population,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch.

23. 12 Pedestrian face-off is an awkward situation in which two pedestrians, who are on a collision course with each other, are repeatedly unsuccessful in averting one another.

24. MLB playoffs: The rise of super Bullpens and why the Yankees and Brewers might be on a World Series collision course Thanks to their monster Bullpens, we should take the possibility of a Brewers

25. (Revelation 11:18) More than 1,600 scientists, including 104 Nobel laureates, from around the world endorsed a warning, issued by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), that stated: “Human beings and the natural world are on a collision course. . . .

26. So researchers who study autonomous systems are collaborating with philosophers to address the complex problem of programming ethics into machines, which goes to show that even hypothetical dilemmas can wind up on a collision course with the real world.

तो स्वशासी पद्धति का अध्ययन करने वाले शोधकर्ता दार्शनिकों के साथ काम कर रहे हैं, मशीनों में नैतिकता को प्रोग्राम करने की जटिल समस्या को सुलझाने के लिये, जो ये दर्शाता है कि काल्पनिक दुविधाएँ भी असली दुनिया से टकराने के रास्ते पर उतर सकती हैं।

27. See: a Course of action a crash Course a matter of Course allow nature to take its Course as a matter of Course be blown off Course be on a collision Course be on Course for be par for the Course Course of action Course of nature Course of true love never did run smooth Course of true love never ran smoothly, the Course through Course through (something